Zeotrix's blog

  • World of Warcraft and Voluntary associations

    First off, let me apologize for my inactivity on this blog the last couple of months. Working full-time while finishing my master-thesis got me to pay full attention to those things. My World of Warcraft-career has effectively taken a beating also with 1900 rating as top rating this season but I'm hoping for season 10!

    So, let's discuss some of the findings that my research have produced this far. 

    Thu, 16/06/2011 - 08:16
    by Zeotrix
  • 2:nd wave of the survey and general update

    Hi everyone!

    I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I have been working hard on my master-thesis as well as my work as a research assistant. I am currently working on completing the second wave of my survey and it will ship on Monday to all of you who answered the first panel a few months ago. Therefore you will recieve an mail from me either in-game or by e-mail depending on what contact-information you gave me.

    Sat, 16/04/2011 - 13:21
    by Zeotrix
  • Update on the research recruitment

    Hi everyone!

    Tonight Xenophics and I posted the news about my research on the main page of Paragon.fi and man alive did that create an upsurge of respondents! In one day the project have gotten 230 more respondents and it is now at a total of 850 respondents! Thanks everyone that have joined this far and I hope you all have found the survey interesting!

    Tue, 11/01/2011 - 13:59
    by Zeotrix
  • Representativeness and Research

    Merry Christmas everyone! For me, and as I expect for lots of other people, the Christmas holiday represents one of the finest opportunities to play one of the best games ever, namely World of Warcraft!

    Fri, 24/12/2010 - 11:27
    by Zeotrix
  • Dreamhack and the survey!

    Just posting some updates about how the research is going and what has been happening the last couple of days.

    Tue, 14/12/2010 - 00:02
    by Zeotrix
