Update on the research recruitment

Hi everyone!

Tonight Xenophics and I posted the news about my research on the main page of Paragon.fi and man alive did that create an upsurge of respondents! In one day the project have gotten 230 more respondents and it is now at a total of 850 respondents! Thanks everyone that have joined this far and I hope you all have found the survey interesting!

However the data collection is far from over and the project still needs many more new players to answer the survey. So, the offer still stands for you guys to be my unpaid research assistants and try to recruit any of your friends that started playing World of Warcraft somewhat recently :) 

Do not forget to answer the survey if you have not done that yet: http://www.easyresearch.se/s.asp?WID=794295&Pwd=11554819

/Regards Sebastian "Zeotrix" Lundmark

PS. If you have some time over you can read this, somewhat old, article that discuss the more common perspective of research when it comes to video games, namely violence! http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn8449 I think it shows that  science really need to get some new perspectives on games and what people do in them! (So go and join my project and help science to somewhat renew itself!) http://wowdemocracy.wordpress.com