Dreamhack Summer 2010


Dreamhack will start this weekend and it's time to talk about Paragon's schedule there.


Stay tuned for these main events:


21:00 CET - ICC 10-man Heroic

01:00-04:00 CET - Late night chilling

13:30 CET - ICC 10-man Heroic
17:00 CET - ICC 25-man Heroic, will be streamed by Maeil, you can catch the link from this news post before the raid.


Keep in mind that these are only highlights of the schedule we have at the event and we'll be doing other content as well. The schedule might also still get changed but we'll try to keep this site updated on what's going on.



We are excited to participate and trust the event will be at least as great as it was last year. So let's cross our fingers and hope for a sunny weekend in Jönköping. See you there!


We'll be making an article about our adventures in Dreamhack and release a photogallery. Stay tuned for those as well.