• Dreamhack Summer 2011

    We are happy to announce that we have been invited by SteelSeries and Asus to attend Dreamhack Summer, held 18.-21.6.2011 in Jönköping, Sweden. This time we'll have five guys attending; Verdisha, Kolori, Hermanni, arx and xenophics. We'll be raiding t11 content, and of course the possible ptr testings. More info about the schedule will be published when we know more.

    As always, we are very excited to come and meet all the other World of Warcraft enthusiasts out there in Sweden. So see you in Jönköping.

    Friday, June 3, 2011 - 05:19
  • Arena Pass: Victory!

    The sweat was pouring on xenophics' forhead as she waited in the preparation room of Blade's Edge arena for her first real battle. The staff felt heavy on her back and she didn't feel comfortable in her new combat robes. "Ou mai gaad jubeto, mitä me tehää?" she whispered in her native tongue to her companion, a strong and quiet orc warlock Jubeto. Luckily the spellcaster had words of comfort for the nervous troll: "We do what we always do, kill the skull and fear the cross".

    Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 21:12
  • Arena Pass: Week 2 Ladder

    Last week we wrote about how communities were doing in this Arena Pass: Community Challenge ladder, but sadly that didn't qualify for the contest. This week we went straight to the 3vs3 ladders, the 25-man heroic raids of arena competing and found out what's arena really about. Looking at the teams at the top of the ladder it seems it's all about having a shaman and a warlock in the team. Seems like a priest, a rogue and a death knight also qualify. Shamans and warlocks definitely aren't the hottest shit on pve, but now we can see where they are compensated at.


    Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 18:41
  • Arena Pass: Week 2

    So dear readers, it's now the second reset of Arena Tournament and we'll soon publish the content from this week. There will of course be updates on the gallery about how our almost undefeatable team progresses on ladders (can you get -300 rating!?), updates on who is on top of arena ladders, a new screenshot for the challenge and of course other feelings and articles from the tournament realm.

    Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 12:43
    Tags: arena pass
  • Paragon's new logo and an interview with Mr. X - Simeone

    It's was already some time ago we held the competitiont for the new logo. The one that got picked has been introduced slowly on the site and other medias, but we are getting there. Now we have the finalized version(s) of the new logo, on which we prefer the black and white version the most. They are also available on the site for anyone to download.

    Saturday, May 28, 2011 - 15:40
  • Week 1: Arena Pass battles

    We've slain the bosses. We've gotten the world firsts. We've conquered the raiding scene. Now, it's time to destroy the realm of PvP. Introducing our epic PvP team: Mulgore Gnometrotters.

    We're not really sure how all of this PvP stuff works, though. It's got something to do with fighting on an arena. We did kill the PvP boss in ToC (even on Heroic) however and that one was pretty easy, so we should be able to slay nerds left and right without breaking a sweat.

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 19:59
    by zYN
  • Arena Pass: Competitive Reporter I

    It's on!

     A battle is raging - the fiercest competitors in the world are fighting in the challenge of World of Warcraft Arena Pass 2011. I hear there's also a 3v3 tournament going on, but we all know which is the main event, so I won't focus on such minorities this time. (Not that I could, since the team rankings are offline!) 

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 13:24
    by arx
