First entry, better late than never! I had some thoughts written up before our trip but didn't manage to finish it since I was doing everything pretty much at the last minute. Also the fact that I wasn't feeling particularly well during the morning of the day we were leaving might have had something to do with it (yeah it truly was a great idea to get drunk the night before).
Nize does China - part I
Tue, 19/04/2011 - 12:33by Nize9 -
Xodan's China Blog: Epilogue
An epilogue?! What the hell, where is rest of the stuff?! Well, it’s in the works, but synching up photos from 8+ cameras and plowing through notes takes surprisingly long time plus all the RL stuff left undone before the trip are pressing on a little bit. So I thought I’ll start with my feelings now right after returning from the trip, while they are still fresh in mind. I’ll try to get at least one or two entries done per day now that I’m back in home.
Mon, 18/04/2011 - 05:10by Xodan -
If you've ever been wondering about my research... you can find out!
I had an opportunity to explain my PhD research into WoW raiding with the folks at Manaflask this week. They've posted the interview on their Web site,
If you've ever wondered what exactly I've been doing, what I'm finding out, and what I hope to do with my PhD, there is probably way more information there than you might ever have wanted to know! :)
Sun, 17/04/2011 - 14:23by Ladan -
2:nd wave of the survey and general update
Hi everyone!
I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I have been working hard on my master-thesis as well as my work as a research assistant. I am currently working on completing the second wave of my survey and it will ship on Monday to all of you who answered the first panel a few months ago. Therefore you will recieve an mail from me either in-game or by e-mail depending on what contact-information you gave me.
Sat, 16/04/2011 - 13:21by Zeotrix -
New Global Report on the Virtual Economy
The BBC posted an article today about a new World Bank/infoDev report titled "Converting the Virtual Economy into Development Potential: Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy" (Lehdonvirta, Vili. & Ernkvist, Mirko, 2011. Washington, DC; infoDev / World Bank). It explores the evolution of the virtual economy in such environments as MMOs. A short case study of WoW is included. One intriguing suggestion it makes is that the sale of virtual products (like game gold) could have a positive impact on local, developing economies.
Fri, 08/04/2011 - 12:32by Ladan