To finish our Highmaul Interview series, our new resto/balance druid Rikus talks about his experiences of joining Paragon. Rikus originally joined the guild for Mists of Pandaria 10-man roster, but had skip the first tier due to the irl problems. Now he is back and finally had his dream-come-true moment; a world first. Read more about Rikus and his World of Warcraft history from our interview.
New Blood in Paragon: Rikus Interview
Tue, 23/12/2014 - 12:07by xenophics0 -
New Blood in Paragon: Lyn Interview
One of our new priest healers, Lyn, talks about his experience in World of Warcraft and about t17 raiding in our second Highmaul interview. Read more on his expectations on Blackrock Foundry and how priests did in general in the last tier.
Fri, 19/12/2014 - 14:19by xenophics -
New Blood in Paragon: Alzu Interview
Our resto druid Alzu talks about his history in World of Warcraft and Highmaul progress in our first Highmaul interview. Alzu came to the guild from another Finnish 10-man guild, Depraved, and now tells us what are the differences between the two guilds. Alzu also answers questions such as: "How does it feel like to get your first world first" or "How was the pressure during the progress"?
Tue, 16/12/2014 - 15:20by xenophicsTags: alzu, highmaul, interview, new blood wod -
Mists of Pandaria QA answers
Here come the answers to the QA questions you submitted some days ago. Thank you for the quality questions, we hope our answers give you an idea of what the last tier was like, and what's going on in the guild at the moment.
Thu, 13/12/2012 - 02:31by xenophics -
On nerfs and hotfixes
Nerfs and hotfixes seem to have played a bigger than usual part in this tier's progress. xenophics takes a look on the two and reflects on how they affect the progress guilds make on hardest of the hard bosses. Are nerfs and hotfixes actually always useful, and should the bosses be rather killed in the "clean way", or is it more interesting to see an innovative way to solve the problems guilds are fighting with?
Sat, 24/11/2012 - 06:55by xenophics