Wipe count for first kills:
- Hellfire Assault: 1
- Iron Reaver: 1
- Kormrok: 1
- Hellfire High Council: 3
- Kilrogg Deadeye: 7
- Gorefiend: 83
- Shadow-Lord Iskar: 13
- Socrethar the Eternal: 11
- Fel Lord Zakuun: 32
- Tyrant Velhari: 58
- Xhul'horac: 119
- Mannoroth: 277
- Archimonde: 675
Thanks for the wonderful race, it was breathtaking and worthy following! Can't wait to see the video and to read some interview! Keep up the good work!!!!
Sat, 18/07/2015 - 20:34
We want to know what happend, and WHY Paragon Down too Nr:2. Sejta...
Mon, 20/07/2015 - 07:08
Congratulations on world's second.
The race was very exciting and the IRC funny.
Looking forward to the kill videos !
You mentioned a lack of motivation, what are your plans to tackle the problem ?
Have a big WoW break to recharge the batteries, as the next tier is far far away anyway?
Also 100% agree with Verdisha, a money prize would be great. Blizzard has money prizes for PVP, why not a money prize per tier for the top 3 guilds.
Don't forget to have a beer on me.
Tue, 21/07/2015 - 07:06