Full quality torrent here. Enjoy!
We will also release a detailed tactics guide to Ragnaros later today, so stay tuned for that. Update: The tactics will be out tomorrow, sorry for the delay.
Full quality torrent here. Enjoy!
We will also release a detailed tactics guide to Ragnaros later today, so stay tuned for that. Update: The tactics will be out tomorrow, sorry for the delay.
Some clarifications and opening up the debate.
Killing Ragnaros: Vol II.
After a very deserving break from a tight raiding schedule that we kept for the past few weeks, we went back in to the Firelands. The goal was pretty simple: Check out the fights on 10-man heroic to gauge their relative difficulty compared to 25-mans. There's been so much discussion on various community sites about this topic, saying that 10-mans are "overtuned" and near unkillable and whatnot.
Here they are, as ordered.
So, the boss is now dead. What happens now? As most of you know, we want to respect the race by not releasing anything related to our strategy before world second kill. This means we won't publish the kill video, tactics guide, meters, or Bigwigs mods just yet, but we'll do that in the future.
We've also planned on writing something blog-like about the work we did to get the kill. It still feels like it's hard to know what you actually want to see. So please tell us what we should talk about, what you'd like to know about the past race and we'll try to work on that.
We've NEVER put as much effort into a kill as we now did on downing Heroic Ragnaros. We had a few grueling low percentage wipes and we were already planning on continuing early tomorrow with a better set of gear. Our kill attempt was going to be our last pull of the night as the thunderstorms and disconnects were kicking in.
First week of heroic mode progress in Firelands is finally over, and it's time to look back at the events of the past week. Here's what my memory weakened by sleep deprivation and stress can come up with: