Férn wrote:But I was wondering if you could take a look at my armory an see if I've gone wrong anywhere, I average out at about 7-7.5k on fights, upto about 8.2 if it's stand and nuke, which I'm sure is probably still a bit low.
That dps does sound a bit low compared to what I get from simulationcraft, but then again, I suspect you might not always have all buffs/debuffs available in those 10mans.
Férn wrote:I'm never above about 100ms but my fps is always 10 or less in ICC which might affect my dps a bit. I'll be getting a new graphics card soon as I can though.
Below 10fps in 10mans, yikes. Might want to check your graphics settings that you have everything that can be put to minimum at minimum and so. (Some boss abilities may be hard to see with some options turned too low, though.)
Férn wrote:I know my hit cap is slightly under but we always have a Draenei with us for their racial.
If you always have the draenei hit aura you could aim for 7% hit instead and get some extra stats from not needing so many hit gems. Focused Aim is also a good choice - Efficiency is rather useless talent anyway.
Férn wrote:I was really just wondering if you think I'm going wrong anywhere with my gear, I have the usual MM shot rotation, maybe going back to agi might be better at this stage? I'm not sure. With regards to trinkets, I do have the NES but it rarely/never seems to proc and my dps is slightly better with the static 80ArP fromt he banner than the chance of the NES proccing!
I'd recommend wearing T9 head and legs if you have access to at least ilevel 245 pieces. And probably gemming agi aswell, especially if you do use the 2T9 setbonus.