Hunter discussion

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 11:01

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Férn wrote:But I was wondering if you could take a look at my armory an see if I've gone wrong anywhere, I average out at about 7-7.5k on fights, upto about 8.2 if it's stand and nuke, which I'm sure is probably still a bit low.

That dps does sound a bit low compared to what I get from simulationcraft, but then again, I suspect you might not always have all buffs/debuffs available in those 10mans.

Férn wrote:I'm never above about 100ms but my fps is always 10 or less in ICC which might affect my dps a bit. I'll be getting a new graphics card soon as I can though.

Below 10fps in 10mans, yikes. Might want to check your graphics settings that you have everything that can be put to minimum at minimum and so. (Some boss abilities may be hard to see with some options turned too low, though.)

Férn wrote:I know my hit cap is slightly under but we always have a Draenei with us for their racial.

If you always have the draenei hit aura you could aim for 7% hit instead and get some extra stats from not needing so many hit gems. Focused Aim is also a good choice - Efficiency is rather useless talent anyway.

Férn wrote:I was really just wondering if you think I'm going wrong anywhere with my gear, I have the usual MM shot rotation, maybe going back to agi might be better at this stage? I'm not sure. With regards to trinkets, I do have the NES but it rarely/never seems to proc and my dps is slightly better with the static 80ArP fromt he banner than the chance of the NES proccing!

I'd recommend wearing T9 head and legs if you have access to at least ilevel 245 pieces. And probably gemming agi aswell, especially if you do use the 2T9 setbonus.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 11:17

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Radioskpup wrote:
Kruf wrote:I'm not sure how much advice I can give without actually seeing a video of you playing, given you have all the basics right already.

Hehe sorry, I couldn't really provide any more data beyond what I gave you, maybe me letting you see my logs for fights such as Putri and Sindragosa will give you a better look at my overall performance on a dynamic fight?

Hmm, well, it does show something, but still it's hard to analyze just from the logs when you can't see what kind of tactics and how much movement was needed and what happened during the fight.

What you can do, though, is to analyze the logs yourself after the raids - you'll still probably remember if you had to do something special in the fight. Things that I look at are basically the number of different shots fired compared to the length of the fight and stacking of cooldowns with beneficial procs.

Radioskpup wrote:
Kruf wrote:I noticed you don't have any points in Rapid Recuperation - do you ever have to switch to Aspect of the Viper? If you can get a little more hit from gear and use 2/3 in Focused Aim you can have a point in Rapid Recuperation which helps a bunch with mana, which obviously helps with dps.

I usually don't have to swap to viper, unless it's Valithira, Sindragosa (Iceblock phases are great for this), Putricide (I try to use it during tear gas, but HMs will be a different story), Funship or LK (bleargh). I do have a secondary spec which sacrifices a personal TSA for a point in Rapid Recup, which I use whenever I'm in a raid group with a Blood DK / Enh Shammy / Another hunter, though I'm thinking about adopting the Hawk Eye spec as secondary for certain fights after running out of range every now and then (Putri on the odd occasion, Marrowgar, LK bleargh, potentially Saurfang HM, Valithira Dreamwalker). For now I am able to sustain mana as long as I have a stable source of JoW, which is why I tend to run out on fights like LK with valkyr swaps, ice spheres and general tomfoolery. ;0

The only fight where I have to spend considerable dps time in viper aspect is LK - the fight is simply so long, and there's so much shooting mobs with no JoW up that it's impossible to keep mana up, and there's no "breaks" to regen either unlike Sindragosa.

I use range spec on Putricide, Valithria, LK and Blood Princes. Obviously whether it's useful depends on tactics and roles - I wouldn't use it on Blood Princes if I was shooting the boss(es) but as we use our hunters mainly on the kinetics (longest range out of all classes) it makes sense so I can stand further away from the raid and not worry about Shock Vortices and such.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 11:32

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
dagobert wrote:i just recently switched from SV to MM. so my gear might not be that optimal.
here is the armory link:

maybe someone could gave me hints what I could do better. i know that my 2nd trinket is crap but deathbringer hates me :( and i hope for the belt from festergut25.

You had PvP gear on when I checked armory, so I can't really comment on the gear. :(

dagobert wrote:or should i take greatness or WFS in place of banner of victory?
but then i loss 84arp :l

Maybe - the proc uptime on WFS is considerably higher than Banner of Victory. Check it out with femaledwarf or simulationcraft.

dagobert wrote:other question, maybe only the 2p t10 and Logsplitters & Longstrider's Vest or do you think the 4p t10 is better than more arp (1316arp with 2pt10 and rdn)? but then i`ve only 3,42% hit (i must gem ~0,60 hit) & then i have 1296arp. so 4pt10/1216arp or 2pt10/1296arp.

You have to consider the other stats also when looking at gear. Most likely 4T10 would be better, as the setbonus gives quite a bit of dps (even though it's annoyingly random).

If you can't get ilevel 264 T10 you might also want to consider wearing 2T9 for the setbonus, especially if you could get ilevel 258 pieces. Head and legs would seem like a good choice.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 13:55

Avatar dawnmender
Posts: 3
Kruf wrote:
dawnmender wrote:At any rate, I've included my profile at the bottom of the page and I wanted to see if you could provide me, like others with some guidance on hitting this dps simcqt provides. (8075 currently) I know i have some bad pieces on but am working to switch them out. Example being the box of horrors for greatness or LDW drops etc. The reason why im asking is i can't seem to pull these numbers I usually tank about about 4-6k depending on encounter and whatnot.

If you're that far below the dps simulationcraft suggests you might want to check that you aren't moving unnecessarily and are always casting something. Also note that the number given by simulationcraft is for optimal situation where you have all raid buffs and all useful debuffs are up on the target you're shooting.

Here's what I'd recommend getting ASAP:

  • T9 head & legs
  • T10 shoulders & chest
  • Greatness

I see you haven't gemmed/enchanted all of your gear but I suppose that's somewhat understandable given how quickly you'll replace most of it. I'd recommend enchanting the wrists though, they're good, and swap the enchant on gloves to agi instead. You should also make sure you're hitcapped - but not much over the cap. You don't seem to have a level 80 wolf with raiding pet spec, fix that. I'd also put that one point from Efficiency into IHM, or in fact rather try to get rid of some hit in gear and get 1/3 Focused Aim.

I'll get on that today!

Thanks so much Kruf! <3

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 01 Apr 2010 17:43

Avatar Férn
Posts: 3

Thanks for your reply, I've swapped my talents around like you suggested an got some more ArP in and my dps has shot up already!!

Might want to check your graphics settings that you have everything that can be put to minimum at minimum

Unfortunately this is with everything on low :( but I'm hoping to get a better pc soonish anyway so hopefully won't be this bad for long!

I'd recommend wearing T9 head and legs if you have access to at least ilevel 245 pieces. And probably gemming agi aswell, especially if you do use the 2T9 setbonus.

My guild rarely to never does toc 25 and pugs for it are hard to come by too so I'll have to stick with what I have at the mo and try to get hold of trophies when I can.

Thanks for your input :D

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 01 Apr 2010 23:05

Avatar Alethea
Posts: 2
Hey Kruf. First and foremost I would like to thank you in behalf of the hunter community for all the replies and tips you give. I know its not easy and some of the questions are really basic but you still do it. Thanks again. Now it's my turn :D

I consider myself a decent hunter. I browse EJ and other hunter resources as much as I can. Keep myself up to date with changes, watch video, etc etc. But everytime I study the top hunter dps parses in the world, I feel like I'm still not maximizing my potential.

I personally think I know most of how to maximize my dps. Pre potting, stacking cooldowns, refreshing SrpS when T102Piece (or more) procs, pet food, macros, spamming buttons, all that jazz. But somehow I still way behind most of the dps parses in the world. Would my horrible fps (about 8-10 fps on 25man lolz) or latency (about 120 ms) contribute to it? I'm thinking yes but not enough to give me a 1k dps disadvantage

Simulationcraft says my dps is about 11.5k. On some lucky day I MIGHT reach that but most of the time im about 1k-1.5k dps short. And simulationcraft is modeled w/o the ICC buffs, that means I'm about 2k or more behind because we have 10% now

Here's my armory, and some recent logs

Armory - ... 3%82lethea

Saurfang Normal - ... 210&e=1381

Festergut Hard - ... 03&e=13615

In Saurfang I was spending a global for a trap on beasts and on Fester I died in the end (first kill woot)

Can you see what I'm doing wrong? Is it wrong to compare myself to top hunter parses? Is my gear simply lacking? Or maybe there's just 1k-2k difference from the exceptional hunters and me due simply to "skill factor". Because I saw Kripparrian's video on HM Jarraxus where he did 9.7k in worse gear (back then ofc) than me. He was even pile drivered by a mistress!

Thanks a lot for the incoming help.

Last edited by Alethea on 02 Apr 2010 02:34, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 02 Apr 2010 00:49

Avatar arkadin
Posts: 17
@ Alethea

Your warriors and rogues are absolutely awful. Saurfang = 0% uptime on Sunder Armor and Expose Armor, and on your Festergut HM fight, Sunder had a 50% uptime, and Expose a 7.7% uptime. Why are they failing? They are causing 10 DPS to lose a significant amount of DPS throughout the fight. Add that 1 simple debuff to their priorities and your DPS will jump 700 (femaledwarf - 698) on the spreadsheet (even more in ICC now). (EDIT: looked through some more of your fights from the past weeks, and Sunder/Expose were up most fights - why not this last week? Missing the warrior that usually does it?)

Second - Drop your t9 2p. It's value is a lot lower with ArP builds - I'm sure you know that. Replacing t9 even with 251 t10, for your 4p and getting Northern Lights leggings, and equipping an Oathbinder (LK 10) normal will give you an extra 200+ dps on your spreadsheet (and I don't know your character, so moving some enchants around and switching some gems/sockets will squeeze even more out of it). When you get your Heroic Legs, and your 264 t10 upgrades you'll be in an even better position. The only drawback is losing the ArP from the gloves, but overall you're in a better position.

FPS won't affect your rotation, your Latency is normal.

Looking through your logs, you open the fight (Saurfang) with: HM > SS > Rapid Fire > CS > AiS > Readiness - you're wasting too much Rapid Fire time with instants.

Rapid Fire boosts only 2 things: Auto Shots, and Steady Shots. Why use Rapid Fire for 5 instant abilities (CS, AiS, Readiness, CS, AiS) instead of just 2 (CS, AiS) and maximizing the uptime for your Steady Shots? You'll get the same amount of Auto shots in either way, but this way you'll be able to rock out with your cock out and getting more SS in. Make sense?

Open the fight with:
HM > SrS > CS > AiS > Rapid Fire/Readiness > CS > AiS > SSx5 > CS > AiS > SSx1 > RF > SSx4 > CS > AiS > etc

(Get SSx1 in before triggering RF again, 'cause RF should be up when you start the cast, and it'll be off when you finish it, but haste/cast time is calculated when you start the cast, allowing you 1 extra SS under the RF effect)

This way you're starting the fight off with a bang again, and getting your 2 strongest shots off twice right away, and you only miss at most 4.5 second of any procs (and that would only really be your DV proc). Try to utilize RF like this whenever you're using it. No sense using Readiness when CS has 1 second left on it's cooldown, know what I mean?

Cooldowns aren't your only downfall, but it will help if you slightly change it. Practice it vs dummies before raiding. That's pretty much all the advice I can give without seeing a fraps of how you play. How's your UI look? A lot of hunters have awful UIs - and this can drag you down as well (Hunters have a lot of buttons to press).

Most importantly - DEBUFFS. Talk to your raid leader - show him the parses, and how the bosses rarely have armor debuffs up. This is HUGE. Your gear could use some work - it's not too bad though. And manage those cooldowns a tad differently. See how you do next week and compare :)

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 02 Apr 2010 02:28

Avatar Alethea
Posts: 2
Wow thank you so much for the comprehensive reply arkadin

I actually have the 264 head, 251 T10 gloves, and Draconic Bonesplitter Legguards sitting in my bank. Still waiting for a token to drop to fully upgrade the gloves. Femaledwarf tells me it's a dps loss compared to my current setup. You think I should ignore it and still wear the 251 gloves and such? I don't think we'd be killing Heroic Lady D anytime soon :D

Yeah I'm still waiting for a better polearm off Lich King 10 or 25. That's the break point I'm waiting for in swapping my gear (AP, Crit, ArP, 2 socket polearm basically)

I would try to talk to our Raid leader about the armor debuffs (2 Pally tanks FTL). I'm actually lucky because I don't have any Mangle for the past few raids.

That Rapid Fire tweak makes sense. But about "maximizing SS with Rapid Fire", wouldn't it not matter when u have IAotH running since SS is already 1.5 sec or below? Still, thanks for sharing that to me.

Here's a screenshot of my UI (Grid fills out the lower right side, middle bar is auto shot timer)


I've have my skills bounded even if it isn't shown (except stuff like Snake Trap....)

Thanks again for the tips. Really really appreciate it and hope more would come :D

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 02 Apr 2010 08:08

Avatar arkadin
Posts: 17
No problem! I enjoy throwing in a helping hand - wish I had one when I was looking for it ;)

Specifically about Quick Shots: It's a better option to not rely on it for things like this. For example, this is copied directly from your Saurfang Log Browser:
Code: Select all
[17:09:04.572] Âlethea gains Rapid Fire from Âlethea
[17:09:19.611] Âlethea's Rapid Fire fades
[17:09:19.920] Âlethea gains Rapid Fire from Âlethea
[17:09:34.896] Âlethea's Rapid Fire fades
[17:09:37.595] Âlethea gains Quick Shots from Âlethea

And then this is taken from your Festergut Kill:
Code: Select all
[20:30:36.795] Âlethea gains Rapid Fire from Âlethea
[20:30:41.215] Âlethea gains Quick Shots from Âlethea
[20:30:44.658] Âlethea's Quick Shots is refreshed by Âlethea
[20:30:51.655] Âlethea's Rapid Fire fades
[20:30:52.644] Âlethea gains Rapid Fire from Âlethea
[20:30:56.798] Âlethea's Quick Shots fades
[20:31:07.635] Âlethea's Rapid Fire fades

Both right at the beginning of the fight. You can see the Saurfang, you go 30s without any Quick Shots, but the Festerface fight you had a proc 5s into it. Not something I like to bank on, y'know?

And yeah, doesn't show your t10 exchanges being an upgrade until you get yourself an AP/Crit/ArP weapon. If you kept Hersir's then you'd have an abundance of hit and that's where you'd lose the dps - too many wasted stats. And those crafted pants will be fine until you can grab even the 264 Northern Lights (get the extra socket). H Lady D shouldn't be too tough now with the 10%. Might be able to even just eat the ghosts now.

2 Pally tanks isn't the ideal situation, but with 2-3 Warriors and 1-2 Rogues in each of your raids, I don't see how it's a problem for any of them to /roll and decide/figure out who's sundering. I mean, it's one GCD every 25-30s for a Warrior. We used DK/Pally/Bear tanks, and our 1-2 Warriors helped us out. It's too important to skip out on it.

You ever try using Potions of Wild Magic? Yeah the SP is useless, but the 200 Crit is awesome in pre-potting situations and during those haste stacking effect cooldowns (RF+Heroism for instance, more haste would be useless except for faster auto shots, but Haste gives diminishing returns for Auto Attacks).

Another thing I should mention: you're wrong comparing yourself to top hunter parses. It's impossible to compare yourself to another player in another guild. Even on the same boss, their guild may do it differently, their strat may be different, and their raid comp/surrounding player gear level will be different. Your DPS is directly related to the DPS of the players around you - the shorter the fights, the higher your overall DPS will be, and same for everyone else. Make sense? You can only compare yourself to the other hunters (if you know they're consistent throughout the raids) and yourself week-to-week.

And yeah there's a lot of things that can make little differences that all add up. Figuring them all out is just time spent researching/asking the right questions. You got this! Good luck on your kills this week.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 03 Apr 2010 16:22

Avatar aeonian
Posts: 1
Hi :)
charname: aeonian
realm: vashj
My hunter is in another realm and I haven't enough DPS. plz help me
I have these trinkets: [Whispering Fanged Skull] , [Deathbringer's Will] , [Needle-Encrusted Scorpion] and I have [Shaft of Glacial Ice] , [Hellion Glaive] but I cant decide between them.

this is my armory: ... cn=Aeonian

and one another question . If I have more than 1400 ArPen, is it better than 1400 ?
plz help me to improve my dps