This isn't getting me anywhere. hm...
My PC specs are horrible (if I go into Uldum, I crash)
I deleted Action_man in the fonts section
It did say there was a line 174 error, so I checked it out
local E, C, L = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import Functions/Constants, Config, Locales
C["media"] = {
-- fonts
["font"] = [=[Interface\Addons\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]=], -- general font of Elvui
["uffont"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]], -- general font of unitframes
["dmgfont"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\combat_font.ttf]], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- fonts (DEUTSCH)
["de_font"] = [=[Interface\Addons\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]=], -- general font of ElvUI
["de_uffont"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]], -- general font of unitframes
["de_dmgfont"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\combat_font.ttf]], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- fonts (FRENCH)
["fr_font"] = [=[Interface\Addons\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]=], -- general font of ElvUI
["fr_uffont"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]], -- general font of unitframes
["fr_dmgfont"] = [=[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\combat_font.ttf]=], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- fonts (RUSSIAN)
["ru_font"] = [=[Interface\Addons\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]=], -- general font of ElvUI
["ru_uffont"] = [=[Interface\Addons\ElvUI\media\fonts\PT_Sans_Narrow.ttf]=], -- general font of unitframes
["ru_dmgfont"] = [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- fonts (TAIWAN ONLY)
["tw_font"] = [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]], -- general font of tukui
["tw_uffont"] = [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]], -- general font of unitframes
["tw_dmgfont"] = [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- fonts (KOREAN ONLY)
["kr_font"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]], -- general font of tukui
["kr_uffont"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]], -- general font of unitframes
["kr_dmgfont"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]], -- general font of dmg / sct
-- textures
["normTex"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\textures\normTex]], -- texture used for Elvui healthbar/powerbar/etc
["glowTex"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\textures\glowTex]], -- the glow text around some frame.
["blank"] = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]], -- the main texture for all borders/panels
["bordercolor"] = { .23,.23,.23 }, -- border color of Elvui panels
["altbordercolor"] = { .23,.23,.23 }, -- alternative border color, mainly for unitframes text panels.
["backdropcolor"] = { .07,.07,.07 }, -- background color of Elvui panels
["backdropfadecolor"] = { .07,.07,.07,0.9 }, --this is always the same as the backdrop color with an alpha of 0.8, see colors.lua
["valuecolor"] = {23/255,132/255,209/255}, -- color for values of datatexts
["raidicons"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\textures\raidicons.blp]], -- new raid icon textures by hankthetank
-- sound
["whisper"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\sounds\whisper.mp3]],
["warning"] = [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\sounds\warning.mp3]],
["glossyTexture"] = false, -- Use a glossy texture for all frames
C["general"] = {
["autoscale"] = true, -- mainly enabled for users that don't want to mess with the config file
["uiscale"] = 0.78, -- set your value (between 0.64 and 1) of your uiscale if autoscale is off
["multisampleprotect"] = true, -- i don't recommend this because of shitty border but, voila!
["classcolortheme"] = false, --class colored theme for panels
["fontscale"] = 12, --Master font
["resolutionoverride"] = "NONE", --override lowversion (Low, High)
["layoutoverride"] = "NONE", --ovverride layout (DPS, Healer)
C["skin"] = { --Skin addons by Darth Android
["recount"] = true,
["skada"] = true,
["omen"] = true,
["kle"] = true,
["dbm"] = true,
["bigwigs"] = true,
["hookkleright"] = true, -- force KLE's top bar anchor to be hooked onto the right chat window
["hookbwright"] = true, -- force BigWig's bar anchor to be hooked onto the right chat window
["embedright"] = "NONE", -- Addon to embed to the right frame ("Omen", "Recount", "Skada")
C["unitframes"] = {
-- general options
["enable"] = true, -- do i really need to explain this?
["fontsize"] = 12, -- default font height for unitframes
["lowThreshold"] = 20, -- global low threshold, for low mana warning.
["targetpowerplayeronly"] = true, -- enable power text on pvp target only
["showfocustarget"] = false, -- show focus's target
["pettarget"] = true, -- show player's pet's target (DPS)
["showtotalhpmp"] = false, -- change the display of info text on player and target with XXXX/Total.
["showsmooth"] = true, -- enable smooth bar
["charportrait"] = true, -- enable character portrait
["charportraithealth"] = false, -- portrait overlay healthbar
["classcolor"] = false, -- color unitframes by class
["healthcolor"] = C["media"].bordercolor, --color of the unitfram
["healthcolorbyvalue"] = true, -- color health by current health remaining
["healthbackdrop"] = false, -- enable using custom healthbackdrop color
["healthbackdropcolor"] = C["media"].backdropcolor,
["combatfeedback"] = false, -- enable combattext on player and target.
["debuffhighlight"] = true, --highlight frame with the debuff color if the frame is dispellable
["classbar"] = true, -- enable runebar/totembar/holypowerbar/soulshardbar/eclipsebar
["combat"] = false, -- only show main unitframes when in combat/havetarget/or mouseover
C["framesizes"] = {
["playtarwidth"] = 275, --width of player/target frame
["playtarheight"] = 55, --height of player/target frame
["smallwidth"] = 130, --Width of TargetTarget, Focus, FocusTarget, Player's Pet frames
["smallheight"] = 35, --Height of TargetTarget, Focus, FocusTarget, Player's Pet frames
["arenabosswidth"] = 212, --Width of Arena/Boss Frames
["arenabossheight"] = 40, --Height of Arena/Boss Frames
["assisttankwidth"] = 120, --Width of MainTank/MainAssist frames
["assisttankheight"] = 27, --Height of MainTank/MainAssist frames
C["raidframes"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- enable raid frames
["fontsize"] = 12, -- default font height for raidframes
["scale"] = 1, -- for smaller use a number less than one (0.73), for higher use a number larger than one
["showrange"] = true, -- show range opacity on raidframes
["hidenonmana"] = true, -- hide non mana on party/raid frames
["healcomm"] = true, -- enable healcomm4 support on healer layout.
["raidalphaoor"] = 0.3, -- alpha of raidframes when unit is out of range
["gridonly"] = false, -- enable grid only mode for all raid layout. TEMP
["gridhealthvertical"] = true, -- enable vertical grow on health bar for healer layout
["showplayerinparty"] = true, -- show my player frame in party
["maintank"] = true, -- enable maintank
["mainassist"] = true, -- enable mainassist
["showboss"] = true, -- enable boss unit frames for PVELOL encounters.
["partypets"] = true, -- enable party pets for the healer layout
["disableblizz"] = true, -- fuck fuck fuckin fuck
["healthdeficit"] = false, -- show the health deficit on the raidframes
["griddps"] = true, -- show dps layout in grid style
["role"] = false, --display role on raidframe
["partytarget"] = false, --display party members targets (DPS ONLY)
C["auras"] = {
["auratimer"] = true, -- enable timers on buffs/debuffs
["auratextscale"] = 11, -- the font size of buffs/debuffs timers on unitframes
["playerauras"] = true, -- enable auras
["playershowonlydebuffs"] = true, -- only show the players debuffs over the player frame, not buffs (playerauras must be true)
["playerdebuffsonly"] = true, -- show the players debuffs on target, and any debuff in the whitelist (see debuffFilter.lua)
["targetauras"] = true, -- enable auras on target unit frame
["minimapauras"] = true, -- enable minimap auras
["arenadebuffs"] = true, -- enable debuff filter for arena frames
["raidunitbuffwatch"] = true, -- track important spell to watch in pve for grid mode.
["totdebuffs"] = true, -- enable tot debuffs (high reso only)
["focusdebuffs"] = true, -- enable focus debuffs
["playtarbuffperrow"] = 8, -- buffs/debuffs per row on player/target frames
["smallbuffperrow"] = 5, -- debuffs per row on targettarget/focus frames
["buffindicatorsize"] = 6, -- size of the buff indicator on raid/party frames
C["castbar"] = {
["unitcastbar"] = true, -- enable Elvui castbar
["cblatency"] = false, -- enable castbar latency
["cbicons"] = true, -- enable icons on castbar
["playerwidth"] = C["framesizes"].playtarwidth,
["targetwidth"] = C["framesizes"].playtarwidth,
["focuswidth"] = C["framesizes"].playtarwidth,
["classcolor"] = false, -- classcolor
["castbarcolor"] = C["media"].bordercolor, -- Color of player castbar
["nointerruptcolor"] = { 0.78, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 }, -- Color of target castbar
C["classtimer"] = {
["enable"] = true,
["bar_height"] = 17,
["bar_spacing"] = 1,
["icon_position"] = 2, -- 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = Outside left, 3 = Outside Right
["layout"] = 4, --1 - both player and target auras in one frame right above player frame, 2 - player and target auras separated into two frames above player frame, 3 - player, target and trinket auras separated into three frames above player frame, 4 - player and trinket auras are shown above player frame and target auras are shown above target frame, 5 - Everything above player frame, no target debuffs.
["showspark"] = true,
["cast_suparator"] = true,
["classcolor"] = false,
["buffcolor"] = C["media"].bordercolor, -- if classcolor isnt true
["debuffcolor"] = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25, 1},
["proccolor"] = {0.84, 0.75, 0.65, 1},
C["arena"] = {
["unitframes"] = true, -- enable elvui arena unitframes (requirement : Elvui unitframes enabled)
C["actionbar"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- enable elvui action bars
["hotkey"] = true, -- enable hotkey display because it was a lot requested
["rightbarmouseover"] = false, -- enable right bars on mouse over
["shapeshiftmouseover"] = false, -- enable shapeshift or totembar on mouseover
["hideshapeshift"] = false, -- hide shapeshift or totembar because it was a lot requested.
["showgrid"] = true, -- show grid on empty button
["bottompetbar"] = false, -- position petbar below the actionbars instead of the right side
["buttonsize"] = 30, --size of action buttons
["buttonspacing"] = 4, --spacing of action buttons
["petbuttonsize"] = 30, --size of pet/stance buttons
["swaptopbottombar"] = false, --swap the main actionbar position with the bottom actionbar
["macrotext"] = false, --show macro text on actionbuttons
["verticalstance"] = false, --make stance bar vertical
["microbar"] = false, --enable microbar display
["mousemicro"] = false, --only show microbar on mouseover
C["nameplate"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- enable nice skinned nameplates that fit into Elvui
["showhealth"] = false, -- show health text on nameplate
["enhancethreat"] = true, -- threat features based on if your a tank or not
["overlap"] = false, --allow nameplates to overlap
["combat"] = false, --only show enemy nameplates in-combat.
["goodcolor"] = {75/255, 175/255, 76/255}, --good threat color (tank shows this with threat, everyone else without)
["badcolor"] = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25}, --bad threat color (opposite of above)
["transitioncolor"] = {218/255, 197/255, 92/255}, --threat color when gaining threat
["trackauras"] = false, --track players debuffs only (debuff list derived from classtimer spell list)
["trackccauras"] = true, --track all CC debuffs
C["loot"] = {
["lootframe"] = true, -- reskin the loot frame to fit Elvui
["rolllootframe"] = true, -- reskin the roll frame to fit Elvui
["autogreed"] = true, -- auto-dez or auto-greed item at max level.
C["cooldown"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- do i really need to explain this?
["treshold"] = 3, -- show decimal under X seconds and text turn red
["expiringcolor"] = { 1, 0, 0 }, --color of expiring seconds turns to
["secondscolor"] = { 1, 1, 0 }, --seconds color
["minutescolor"] = { 1, 1, 1 }, -- minutes color
["hourscolor"] = { 0.4, 1, 1 }, -- hours color
["dayscolor"] = { 0.4, 0.4, 1 }, -- days color
C["datatext"] = {
["stat1"] = 1, -- Stat Based on your Role (Avoidance-Tank, AP-Melee, SP/HP-Caster)
["dur"] = 2, -- show your equipment durability on panels.
["stat2"] = 3, -- Stat Based on your Role (Armor-Tank, Crit-Melee, Crit-Caster)
["system"] = 4, -- show fps and ms on panels, and total addon memory in tooltip
["wowtime"] = 5, -- show time on panels
["gold"] = 6, -- show your current gold on panels
["guild"] = 7, -- show number on guildmate connected on panels
["friends"] = 8, -- show number of friends connected.
["bags"] = 0, -- show ammount of bag space available
["dps_text"] = 0, -- show current dps
["hps_text"] = 0, -- show current hps
["currency"] = 0, -- show watched items in backpack
["specswitch"] = 0,
["battleground"] = true, -- enable 3 stats in battleground only that replace stat1,stat2,stat3.
["time24"] = false, -- set time to 24h format.
["localtime"] = true, -- set time to local time instead of server time.
["fontsize"] = 12, -- font size for panels.
C["chat"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- blah
["whispersound"] = true, -- play a sound when receiving whisper
["showbackdrop"] = true, -- show a backdrop on the chat panels
["chatwidth"] = 348, -- width of chat frame
["chatheight"] = 111, -- height of chat frame
["fadeoutofuse"] = true, -- fade chat text when out of use
["sticky"] = true, -- when opening the chat edit box resort to previous channel
["combathide"] = "NONE", -- Set to "Left", "Right", "Both", or "NONE"
["bubbles"] = true, --skin blizzard chat bubbles
C["tooltip"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- true to enable this mod, false to disable
["hidecombat"] = true, -- hide bottom-right tooltip when in combat
["hidecombatraid"] = true, -- only hide in combat in a raid instance
["hidebuttons"] = false, -- always hide action bar buttons tooltip.
["hideuf"] = false, -- hide tooltip on unitframes
["cursor"] = false, -- show anchored to cursor
["colorreaction"] = false, -- always color border of tooltip by unit reaction
["itemid"] = true, --display itemid on item tooltips
["whotargetting"] = true, --show who is targetting the unit (in raid or party)
C["buffreminder"] = {
["enable"] = true, -- this is now the new innerfire warning script for all armor/aspect class.
["sound"] = true, -- enable warning sound notification for reminder.
["raidbuffreminder"] = true, -- buffbar below the minimap, important missing buffs
C["others"] = {
["pvpautorelease"] = false, -- enable auto-release in bg or wintergrasp.
["sellgrays"] = true, -- automaticly sell grays?
["autorepair"] = true, -- automaticly repair?
["errorenable"] = true, -- true to enable this mod, false to disable
["autoacceptinv"] = true, -- auto-accept invite from guildmate and friends.
["enablemap"] = true, -- reskin the map to fit Elvui
["enablebag"] = true, -- enable an all in one bag mod that fit Elvui perfectly
["announceinterrupt"] = true, -- announce in party/raid when you interrupt
["showthreat"] = true, -- enable the threat bar anchored to info right panel.
C["media"].normTex2 = C["media"].normTex
I'm a cow I'm a cow I'm a Magick cow