
  • Lying and the Raid

    Please visit my research blog to participate in my latest poll:

    Wed, 23/03/2011 - 10:01
    by Ladan
  • RNG is not an excuse

    I'm going to rant here a bit because every time I see someone mention bad luck (or RNG) it makes me angry. I'm pretty sure most raiders hear "bad luck, couldn't have done anything about it" multiple times in a single raid and I just want tell you that almost every single player who blames bad luck for wiping is a fucking idiot.I hate when people blame luck and that's the end of it. Somehow the general attitude seems to be that shit happens and there is nothing you can do about it when the players' attitudes should be "FUCK! That's not supposed to happen! How can we survive this?

    Thu, 24/02/2011 - 20:37
    by Lazei
  • Inside Paragon - Baltha

    Welcome to my first blog here on Paragon. The idea behind "Inside Paragon" is to learn a little bit more about the people behind the nicknames and the guild through interviews. This week's interview is with Baltha who was brave enough to be the guinea pig. Enjoy reading what the Co-Founder, Officer and long-time Mage in Paragon has to say.


    Welcome Baltha and thanks for agreeing to this interview. To have a good start, could you please give us some information about yourself, like age, location, occupation, these sort of things.


    Thu, 24/02/2011 - 20:25
    by meth
  • The trade channel.... is it our ugly side?

    So it's our only real universal chat channel, at least universal as far as our server and faction goes. And the misnamed 'trade channel' seems to either function as visual white noise, become a source of amusement or constant aggression, or in very rare cases actually get used for some kind of advertising. Some of us use it to show off how incredibly clever we think we are (usually by insulting someone) or to spam some sort of meaningless information that--at least as far as I can see--has nothing to do with trade.


    Wed, 16/02/2011 - 14:30
    by Ladan
  • Paragon Age: Origins (Manaflask article)

     Manaflask did an interview on us some time ago, and they started with publishing and article that contains some background information about us. We'd like to thank Manaflask and Starym for the article, we think the the questions were spot on; very interesting and something we don't get asked in every interview.

    Sun, 13/02/2011 - 23:10
