
  • Unintended changes

    *Again something I originally posted in MMO-Champion, which is why it slightly repeats what I said in my previous entry.*


    Mon, 31/01/2011 - 15:33
  • Why 10 = 25 should be 10 & 25

    There was a short discussion on our forums regarding the difficulty between 10-man and 25-man raids a few months before Cataclysm where I posted the following:


    Even though I have faith that the dev team knows how to make 10s hard, I have a feeling they don't really want to go there. The hard stuff would have to be brutally tightly tuned, limiting the experience to even fewer people than in 25s. Harder than now - definitely - but I simply don't see a lot of benefit in going all-out, and I doubt they do either.


    Sun, 30/01/2011 - 00:50
    by arx
  • A typical day during progress

    To give you guys an idea what my life has been like for most of the time after Cataclysm launch, let me show you how a typical weekday during the progress used to be for me. This isn't really any single given day, but rather a composite of how the days went on average - on some days the raids started earlier or later and I didn't always wake up at the same time, but this should give a reasonable idea what it was like.


    Wed, 26/01/2011 - 13:48
    by Kruf
  • Dirty play?

    Disclaimer: I posted the original version of this to MMO-Champion forums to Stars' thread about their heroic Cho'gall kill and their comments. Pretty wild accusations were flying around and I thought I'd post some of my views. The post was soon lost to 18 pages and a lock on the thread hence I was told to re-post it in here where it's more in place.


    Thu, 20/01/2011 - 01:33
  • Dreamhack Winter 2010 Journal

    Preparations for the Dreamhack trip started early and at Tuesday 23th of November it was time to execute the devious plan! Verdisha started his journey earliest at eight o’ clock in the morning and started to crawl towards Helsinki, after four hours he arrived at the destination still at daylight.


    Fri, 03/12/2010 - 05:57
