Hello Devai
I'm very interessting on you interface that you use un Raid.
Can You give me a list for addon where you use ?
Thanks :)
Question for Devai
Question for Devai
- Posts: 3
Re: Question for Devai
- Posts: 357
It would be nice if you would have had a look at the UI forum because that question has been answered 50 times until now. He is using an edited version of the popular TukUI ( http://www.tukui.org ) and that is called Elv22 ( http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=4345 )
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Question for Devai
- Posts: 8
Sorry I have not found the answer in other topics .... Thank you for having responded again
Re: Question for Devai
- Posts: 8
I would like to know 2 add-on settings moment.... If you not hinder , help to ensure that:
1)See HP(100.4M) and % of target HP
2)How do you manage to make an additional panel on the right side of the screen
3)how to make a raid interface like Devia...
(On the left side of the screen from top to bottom)
I use Elv22...
1)See HP(100.4M) and % of target HP
2)How do you manage to make an additional panel on the right side of the screen
3)how to make a raid interface like Devia...
(On the left side of the screen from top to bottom)
I use Elv22...
8 posts -