Don't a large percentage of the fights involve stacking up on melee currently? This seems like it might be the most glaring issue outside of obvious number tweaks that will come.
Some of the fights yes, but if u train those fights alot u know when u need to start moving so u activate aspect of fox and move towards melee pack while channeling cobra, stop for 0,5 sec to shoot auto shot then u start moving again to melee pack while shooting cobra so u dont lose any dps by doing that. U need to be able to anticipate when u need to move to maximize ur dps, and if u cant do that u just lose couple auto shots cause u can still shoot cobra all the time( aspects don't take GCD to switch). When majority of ppl gets to raid Cata raids bigwigs and dbw etc. have exact timers for those encounters so u can just watch the timers and time aspect of fox due them.
Generally hunters are great in Cataclysm atm. Good dps, good mobility, over all survivability is good.
Looking forwards Cata so much atm :)