Hey there guys ,firstly Id like to say how much respect and inspiration u are to me and probably hundreds of others!
Now my problem is myself and my guildies have been struggling with Cho`gall I was told that min dps on him has to be 16k dps... Thats fine my Ilvl is 353 BUT for some reason as demo I Cannot push past the 11k mark in this encounter and as a matter of fact very few other fights. The rotation I use is CoE/Corruption/Bane Of Agony/Soul burn soul fire / Shadowbolt and incinerate when avalaible, I keep dots up and keep Shadowbolting on specific target! Is this the right rotation as I feel like im really doing something wrong and would REALLY like to know what u guys use as demo and what I can use to Improve my char as I feel like ive hit a wall!
Ps their is another warlock raiding with me in all blues as affliction and he is out DPSING me with about 2k!
Haste at 14.84%
Hit at 17%
Crit at 14.34%
Mastery at 10.34%
Thank you guys!
Demo rotation
Demo rotation
- Posts: 3
Re: Demo rotation
- Posts: 3
Shizzz I forgot to add armory link :-) Here u go !
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... r/advanced
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... r/advanced
Re: Demo rotation
- Posts: 341
Hello Deathdotter,
I'm not entirely sure what to think... you aren't using Immolate at all? Or Hand of Gul'dan? And why would you use Bane of Agony when you even got talents in Demo that boost Bane of Doom?
Anyway. You don't need to cast Curse of Elements when somebody else is bringing the buff passively (Moonkin, Unholy Death Knight, Assassination Rogue) or if there's just another warlock and he's Affliction with Jinx it should be his job. Only if none of those are in the raid and alive should you worry about Curse of Elements. What you should be doing is using Bane of Doom, Corruption and Immolate, and refreshing Immolate with Hand of Gul'dan. Keep Improved Soul Fire up, not only by casting instant Soul Fire off Soulburn but also by just doing the long cast, it's worth it. Incinerate on Molten Core procs, or Soul Fire when Decimation is up and Molten Core isn't, else fill with Shadow Bolts. Use Shadowflame if possible. Pay attention to your Metamorphosis Cooldown as Impending Doom might suddenly drop it. Make sure you have enough mana before your pop Meta and Demon Soul, and if you can get to melee without losing casting time, pop Immolation too. When you're using Felguard (like you want to on Cho'gall) pop Felstorm on cooldown, or save it if an AoE situation is coming up. When you need to AoE, use all the tools you have available at that time: Inferno, Immolation, Felstorm, Shadowflame, Hellfire and watch your damage skyrocket.
Also, you might want to reconsider your whole gemming into int-heavy gemming with Ember Shadowspirit until the patch, and you might want to look into your enchants.
Hope this helped.
I'm not entirely sure what to think... you aren't using Immolate at all? Or Hand of Gul'dan? And why would you use Bane of Agony when you even got talents in Demo that boost Bane of Doom?
Anyway. You don't need to cast Curse of Elements when somebody else is bringing the buff passively (Moonkin, Unholy Death Knight, Assassination Rogue) or if there's just another warlock and he's Affliction with Jinx it should be his job. Only if none of those are in the raid and alive should you worry about Curse of Elements. What you should be doing is using Bane of Doom, Corruption and Immolate, and refreshing Immolate with Hand of Gul'dan. Keep Improved Soul Fire up, not only by casting instant Soul Fire off Soulburn but also by just doing the long cast, it's worth it. Incinerate on Molten Core procs, or Soul Fire when Decimation is up and Molten Core isn't, else fill with Shadow Bolts. Use Shadowflame if possible. Pay attention to your Metamorphosis Cooldown as Impending Doom might suddenly drop it. Make sure you have enough mana before your pop Meta and Demon Soul, and if you can get to melee without losing casting time, pop Immolation too. When you're using Felguard (like you want to on Cho'gall) pop Felstorm on cooldown, or save it if an AoE situation is coming up. When you need to AoE, use all the tools you have available at that time: Inferno, Immolation, Felstorm, Shadowflame, Hellfire and watch your damage skyrocket.
Also, you might want to reconsider your whole gemming into int-heavy gemming with Ember Shadowspirit until the patch, and you might want to look into your enchants.
Hope this helped.
Re: Demo rotation
- Posts: 3
Thank you so much man, changed to Int heavy and got rotation right! and got +3k dps outa it! thanks man U rock! All the best and good luck to yourself and the other locks! Stay true and stay blessed!
4 posts -