I need an inquisition poweraura string!
I need an inquisition poweraura string!
- Posts: 8
Can someone help me with a god poweraura string? the one i currently have does not have a timer on it, so alot of times I find myself dumping my holy power with like a half a second of inquisition left. If anyone has a good poweraura for keeping inquisition up all the time and effectively, please share it!
Re: I need an inquisition poweraura string!
- Posts: 4
Try this
show me to AW and Divine Favor for my main heal spec, but you can delete these buff. You can also add a timer
- Code: Select all
Set=Page 1@
Aura[1]=Version:4.9; b:0; icon:Spell_Holy_DivineIllumination; buffname:Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath/Inquisition; r:0.9529; x:150; texture:20; alpha:1; isResting:0; y:50@
show me to AW and Divine Favor for my main heal spec, but you can delete these buff. You can also add a timer
Re: I need an inquisition poweraura string!
- Posts: 45
This is what i use:
- Code: Select all
Version:4.9; anim1:4; g:0.9647; icon:spell_paladin_inquisition; buffname:Inquisition; r:0.3922; x:99; customname:84963; texture:72; inVehicle:0; speed:0.5; customtex:true; size:0.15; y:-20; texmode:2; finish:2; timer.h:1.25; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:RIGHT; timer.Transparent:true
3 posts -