Hello i'm Ciproxin ^^
I Have some questions:
First of all it's my arrmory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... xin/simple
Tauren Druid Feral Dps:
1. If i put wrong gems - tell me.
2. Now i make ~12k dps on HC boss it's enough for 350 ilvl ?
3. If this to low for this ilvl, what i need to change to make TOP Dps. ?
4. What addons you use: for nice ui looking ^^
For Now it's all, im newbie so don't hit me :D
Txy for all - Great job Paragon < 3
Question For Feral's DPS
Question For Feral's DPS
- Posts: 1
Re: Question For Feral's DPS
- Posts: 1
1. In your Head's slot you put 20 Hit and 20 Agility Gem cause its blue too and better than pure hit.
1.1 your gloves enchant is crappy, a feral druid nowadays needs 50 Mastery on gloves.
1.2 shoulder: 40 Agility gem, cause the bonus is weak. Only when you can get 20 Agility + through a bonus.
1.3 shoulder enchant from Therazane faction (on exalted). If you are inscriptor you choose 130 Agi + 25 mastery.
1.4 Bracers you have more than one possibility. You can enchant 50 haste or 50 Crit. I've chosen 50 crit.
1.5 Feet: Here i would enchant 35 Agi, cause its above mastery in the stat prio.
1.6 Belt: here you have to put a belt buckle (dont remember the name)
1.7 leggings: blue gem slot like in 1.
2. I would say for that gear its ok. But there is still more possible. If you change the things in point 1 you'll do in any case more dps.
3. Just train to optimize your "rotation" and logically try to get better gear^^
4. Personally, i use following addons:
Bartender (for handy bars)
ForteXorcist (druid) for Buffs/Debuffs
So i hope i could help you a little.
1.1 your gloves enchant is crappy, a feral druid nowadays needs 50 Mastery on gloves.
1.2 shoulder: 40 Agility gem, cause the bonus is weak. Only when you can get 20 Agility + through a bonus.
1.3 shoulder enchant from Therazane faction (on exalted). If you are inscriptor you choose 130 Agi + 25 mastery.
1.4 Bracers you have more than one possibility. You can enchant 50 haste or 50 Crit. I've chosen 50 crit.
1.5 Feet: Here i would enchant 35 Agi, cause its above mastery in the stat prio.
1.6 Belt: here you have to put a belt buckle (dont remember the name)
1.7 leggings: blue gem slot like in 1.
2. I would say for that gear its ok. But there is still more possible. If you change the things in point 1 you'll do in any case more dps.
3. Just train to optimize your "rotation" and logically try to get better gear^^
4. Personally, i use following addons:
Bartender (for handy bars)
ForteXorcist (druid) for Buffs/Debuffs
So i hope i could help you a little.
Re: Question For Feral's DPS
- Posts: 3
1.1 your gloves enchant is crappy, a feral druid nowadays needs 50 Mastery on gloves.
---Actually you will be better of with Strength enchant
---Actually you will be better of with Strength enchant
3 posts -