It is now officially in Cataclysm classes are not balanced. :)
I've seen in some raids there are Paladins.
This is because the DPS is not good compared to other classes?
Kolori play mage
Iiris what to play?
Congratulations on your progress :)
No Ret Paladin in Sinestra Kill
No Ret Paladin in Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 9
Re: No Ret Paladin in Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 473
Confiteor wrote:It is now officially in Cataclysm classes are not balanced. :)
I've seen in some raids there are Paladins.
This is because the DPS is not good compared to other classes?
Or perhaps the encounter favors certain classes more than others?
Stop trying to read overall class balance from damage meters of one fight with mechanics that definitely do not work the same way for every class.
Not to say retri isn't a bit sub-par right now, though...
Re: No Ret Paladin in Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 118
Representing with my mage Gorerotted as arcane.
What Kruf said, too bad I couldn't play my pala there :/.
What Kruf said, too bad I couldn't play my pala there :/.
Re: No Ret Paladin in Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 1
Iiris wrote:Representing with my mage Gorerotted as arcane.
The ret spirit never dies. Even playing another class, you still take the +3% buff with you. :P
4 posts -