Hi there Paragon shamans. Just curious why the class wasn't represented in the first kill of Sinestra. I think I saw somewhere that Rhimz might be playing a hunter atm, but are shamans really in such a bad place that when min/maxing raid leaders can't find a spot for them. I'm especially interested in why neither Kahva or Kyylol made it in. I thought I had seen them in basically every other kill as either resto or ele.
Thanks in advance for any info on the matter.
No Shamans in the Sinestra Kill
No Shamans in the Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 2
Re: No Shamans in the Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 158
I already post about this on other forums but anyway.
Resto is only brought for mana tide totem at the moment, the healing shamans do isn't good enough compared to paladins and priests. Also the fact that shamans have pretty much non utility or useful cooldowns for raid or tanks makes the class really useless. On some fights double tide was good, especial at lower gear levels but as for Sinestra the fight just isn't made such that tide was needed so thats why no resto shamans.
I've played as elemental on couple of fights. Mainly to interrupt, obviously you can do that with resto spec also with some hit talents but in those fights dps was needed more then having 2 tides for healers. As for Sinestra there was no need for shaman interrupts. Also it's pretty much known that elemental shaman doesn't work too well on fights which have movement or lots of aoe needed. For those fights demo lock is better option to give 10% spell power buff. So as 95% of cataclysm fights need either aoe or movement demo lock was once again better choice.
And as you already said your self Rihmz is playing hunter now days since enha shaman just didn't bring any unique buff and other melees were doing better dps so that pretty much answers why no enha either.
So in short, shaman is pretty damn bad class atm. Some ppl may think otherwise but if you play at top and wanna min max to the max. Fewer shamans = better raid comp
Resto is only brought for mana tide totem at the moment, the healing shamans do isn't good enough compared to paladins and priests. Also the fact that shamans have pretty much non utility or useful cooldowns for raid or tanks makes the class really useless. On some fights double tide was good, especial at lower gear levels but as for Sinestra the fight just isn't made such that tide was needed so thats why no resto shamans.
I've played as elemental on couple of fights. Mainly to interrupt, obviously you can do that with resto spec also with some hit talents but in those fights dps was needed more then having 2 tides for healers. As for Sinestra there was no need for shaman interrupts. Also it's pretty much known that elemental shaman doesn't work too well on fights which have movement or lots of aoe needed. For those fights demo lock is better option to give 10% spell power buff. So as 95% of cataclysm fights need either aoe or movement demo lock was once again better choice.
And as you already said your self Rihmz is playing hunter now days since enha shaman just didn't bring any unique buff and other melees were doing better dps so that pretty much answers why no enha either.
So in short, shaman is pretty damn bad class atm. Some ppl may think otherwise but if you play at top and wanna min max to the max. Fewer shamans = better raid comp
Hating with passion
Re: No Shamans in the Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 158
adding http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic ... 991?page=2 to this as well, since i cant post on us forums and the discussion seems to be fairly active there. So maybe some people checking our site feel they wanna read bit more than just my badly written posts here on this site :<
Hating with passion
Re: No Shamans in the Sinestra Kill
- Posts: 2
Out of further curiosity, have you and Paragon's other shamans discussed/thought about what buffs or changes could be realistically made to the class to put us more on par with other healers/melee/ranged classes?
Also, there was a post in that on going discussion you linked about how its only really a concern when you're a guild like Paragon that needs even the smallest percentages of extra dps or healing, however, I hope most shamans can see that it is not fair or fun to be playing a class that is behind from the get go. Why would anyone want to play a spec that even at its best can't beat another spec purely because we are inferior by design.
I believe moonkin is a perfect example at the moment, of a hybrid spec that is completely capable of great numbers when played by outstanding players and at least gives you the potential to be competitive. This seems like a decent model that could be useful in comparing what most would like a shaman to be.
Also, there was a post in that on going discussion you linked about how its only really a concern when you're a guild like Paragon that needs even the smallest percentages of extra dps or healing, however, I hope most shamans can see that it is not fair or fun to be playing a class that is behind from the get go. Why would anyone want to play a spec that even at its best can't beat another spec purely because we are inferior by design.
I believe moonkin is a perfect example at the moment, of a hybrid spec that is completely capable of great numbers when played by outstanding players and at least gives you the potential to be competitive. This seems like a decent model that could be useful in comparing what most would like a shaman to be.
4 posts -