I just had a few questions for you two
1) I feel like my dps is suffering right now because of the awkward moment where my dots drop off going towards an eclipse. I've read the Ej post several times about moonkins and I know it says not to refresh if the eclipse is one or two casts away but I'm getting pretty bad uptimes doing this. (~80%) Do you guys refresh prior to the lunar and then again once it hits? or let them drop and hit the eclipse and then refresh? On a boss that has limited movement lets say.
2) With the upcoming changes to mastery should I be reforging crit/extra hit to mastery where I can't reforge to haste?
3) On Ej it was saying Heart of Ignacious and the DMC are the best tier 11 trinkets right now, do you think the mastery proc from Theralion's Mirror along with the static int will be better then the DMC next patch?
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... r/advanced
Thanks in advance!
Questions for Xephros/Lappe
Questions for Xephros/Lappe
- Posts: 2
Re: Questions for Xephros/Lappe
- Posts: 254
1. depends on haste, atm im refreshing them only during eclipses
2. depends on your other stats. http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t66856-drui ... WrathCalcs
3.i only care about heroic trinkets so HoI + TM.
2. depends on your other stats. http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t66856-drui ... WrathCalcs
3.i only care about heroic trinkets so HoI + TM.
Re: Questions for Xephros/Lappe
- Posts: 2
Thanks for the quick response I just have one more question for you. What do you think of mushrooms with the new patch notes? I've heard some people talking about them being viable during a solar eclipse single target rotation, which just seemed kind of odd to me.
4 posts -