Dear Paragon Locks
As one of a lock veteran, I have paid attention closely to you guys, especially with Manni and Diivil. I have questions for you guys regarding to the upcoming patch and some personal questions.
First, to Manni, as of now, I see that your gear only have 15.98% hit. Is that your intention to leave your hit rating like that or is it just because the armory hasn't been updated yet? Does it make any difference with your hit and the hit cap? Did you miss any spells in raids?
Second, to Paragon's locks. With the upcoming patch, what spec do you guys think will provide the best dps output for a "gank and spank" fight with no running around. I always prefer afflic than other specs; however, I'm thinking that detro is gonna be the best with the upcoming patch. Any ideas about that?
Third question is about demo spec. With the mastery increased, Blizz has forced us to gear up mastery. That, however, will invevitable reduce haste, which is the most stat with demo. What do you guys think about this?
Thank you guys and congrats on the raid progress.
Locks in 4.0.6
Locks in 4.0.6
- Posts: 1
Re: Locks in 4.0.6
- Posts: 341
Hello Shadowfuror,
At least regarding my armory, I'd recommend not overanalyzing it if you see anything awkward. Chances are I logged out in wrong gear, changed my spec or reforged awkwardly for a certain boss. At least I don't have any information regarding next patch that isn't already available to everyone across EJ and other boards. And I don't see anyone forcing you to do anything, if haste is best stat for you post-patch there's no need to not go for it.
At least regarding my armory, I'd recommend not overanalyzing it if you see anything awkward. Chances are I logged out in wrong gear, changed my spec or reforged awkwardly for a certain boss. At least I don't have any information regarding next patch that isn't already available to everyone across EJ and other boards. And I don't see anyone forcing you to do anything, if haste is best stat for you post-patch there's no need to not go for it.
2 posts -