I've been playing balance for about two weeks now and have a question about balance druid's DPS in general. Currently i deal abour 12.5k DPS single target on a dummy. However i feel that i should be able to pull off more than that with my gear.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... cat/simple
I'm hitcapped and all but i sense that i've missed something. I've studied the balance guide from elitistjerks several times but i just can't seem to raise my DPS.
The rotation i use is simple. Start off with Insect Swarm and Moonfire followed by Starsurge, and Wrath or Moonfire depending on where in the eclipsebar i am. I use Starfall and treants whenever the cd is off. When i hit an eclipse i refresh my dots and start casting Wrath/Moonfire.
Is there something wrong with this rotation or have i completely misunderstood the basics of balance?
Would be awesome if the two of you could post how much you do on a dummy, gives me a hint of how my dps is :)
Greetings from Kritcat