Hi there
Over the past few weeks to a month I have been following your warlocks, Diivil, Manni and Jubeto on the armory for spec changes, gear choices, gems, etc etc. One reason was that Elitist Jerks didn't have an up to date Affliction thread which they now do.
Anyway, I had noticed, especially with Diivil that he was main spec affliction maybe 2-3 weeks ago and now is main spec destruction, while the others are main spec demonology.
Is there any particular reason for leaving out affliction? Is this something to do with heroic versions of the raids perhaps? I know that Demonology has some serious AoE ability, which is to get a bit of a nerf in the upcoming patch.
Is it because Affliction is getting nerfed with the changes to improved soulburn so you are getting a head start on playing the other specs?
I seem to be doing very well in raids with affliction right now, my survivability is great, its practically a cake walk on chimaeron with the drains and soul swap multi dotting on other bosses is fantastic. I just wondered is there something i'm missing, a real fundamental reason for choosing the other two specs over affliction?
I am a little worried about the upcoming patch as it seems I'm being forced to go Destruction or Demo with the changes. A bit ridiculous as this is the first time Affliction has been viable again since TBC.
Thanks for your time
Morsecode of Taters Deep, Chamber of Aspects
Paragon Warlock Spec choice
Paragon Warlock Spec choice
- Posts: 1
Re: Paragon Warlock Spec choice
- Posts: 341
Hello Morsecode,
I think Kruf put it pretty well in the Hunter sub-forum so I'll just quote him here:
I think Kruf put it pretty well in the Hunter sub-forum so I'll just quote him here:
Kruf wrote:If you want to be a good hunter, you're never "BM hunter" or "SV hunter" or "MM hunter", you're simply "hunter" and spec whatever the situation requires. At the moment, the situation is such that SV is the best dps spec by far, however if the raid setup is lacking a retri paladin bringing a BM hunter is the next best solution.
What you should do is to learn to play any spec needed, and always bring the spec needed for the current raid setup and boss. At the moment that means having SV and BM specs ready to go, with a good selection of pets for raid buffs and other specific utility purposes.
Re: Paragon Warlock Spec choice
- Posts: 3
Nice post by Kruf and it's so true. I make sure I learn all 3 of my Lock specs so that I can switch depending on fights. I'm not a fan of people who play a single spec and don't bother changing just because that spec is fotm. If you can't play all 3 specs fluently, you can't play your class.
3 posts -