Hey diamondtear hows the healing going?
I've been watching alot of paragon videos lately even dating back to beta. I've noticed back in beta you had your action bars showing. But in the ascendant council video I didtn see but 1 action bar and I believe that looked like it was for food. I also saw your cooldown actionbar which I think is genius as myself I have one.
My question relating to this, is that. Are you using clique or a similar type addon? Or do you just know all your keybinds by heart?
And if you do use clique, why not use healbot or healium? And this is also a silly question, but I've tried clique many times but theres one thing I do not like, and that is I cannot right click a friendly portrait without healing them with something. (Only answer that question if you are using clique or similar addon)
Also heres a side question
I'm most likely not going to be the only holy pally in my 10 man group (2 groups) as 2 holy pallys just hit 85 and is gearing up fast and the other isnt so much which will probably follow the later group.
My question is, for gearing I'm completely heroic/rep epic geared. My side holy pally will most likely not and if the other pally needs the item like I will. Should I just save my valor points up, buy a similar item (life force chargers to eternal pathfinders, breastplage of avenging flame to t11 chest piece). I've been really considering this meaning that we can gear up almost equally and be almost if not the same level of gear
UI question for Diamondtear
UI question for Diamondtear
- Posts: 9
Re: UI question for Diamondtear
- Posts: 50
I'm pretty sure Diamondtear is using mousever macros, like most of the healers out there.
Re: UI question for Diamondtear
- Posts: 26
...but I've tried clique many times but theres one thing I do not like, and that is I cannot right click a friendly portrait without healing them with something...
you have to put those frame in clique blacklist in clique options
you have to put those frame in clique blacklist in clique options

Re: UI question for Diamondtear
- Posts: 3
Do u use bartender and put out show actionbar 1 ? and just remember your binds in your head ?
Re: UI question for Diamondtear
- Posts: 5
illus wrote:Do u use bartender and put out show actionbar 1 ? and just remember your binds in your head ?
I would think he is using Bartender or Dominos.
About the keybinds; Well, if you have played WoW for a time you remember the most skills in your head.
6 posts -