Hi Guys,
At Wotlk i had Played Unholy with Shadowmourne, Ice was ever my favorite Skill thats the reason to play Ice DW in Cata.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/a ... ith/simple
Hit: 8,..%
Expertise: 26
Reforge Mastery
The Prioritysystem
Diseases > Ob if both Frost/Unholy pairs and/or both Death runes are up, or if KM is procced >
BS if both Blood Runes are up > FS if RP capped > Rime > Ob > BS > FS > HoW.
My Problem is the Runecooldown time in combat -> I often stand there with Autohit is this normaly?
Death Knight help
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 2
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 92
Fenesith wrote: I often stand there with Autohit is this normaly?
I cannot speak for frost, but in general: yes that is intended and it's diffrent from the wotlk style where you were forced to push buttons constantly
use this "free" time to be more aware of "not standing in fire" and other boss mechanics
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 3
(Sorry I did post this originally in the regular forum stuff, really am sorry D: )
Hey Paragon :D
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... ine/simple
I've been running Unholy spec all of Cata and I was really wondering if I should be doing better then what I'm pulling (I'm aware Unholy DK's just got nerfed...even though I look at it as more of a buff[-ish?]). I see that a member of the Paragon runs it, Mancheese, but I just can't seem to be keeping up in DPS. I'm not geared into any raiding gear, so that could be why too? (346lvl with DPS) [Pulling about 12k DPS solid] I know some specs are more gear sensitive then others.
I'm running UP and using what I'd think would be a solid rotation. (Outbreak, FS, FS, SS, SS, DCdump; SSx6 DCdump/ Dark Transformation when it's up. Then repeat. Adding in DC procs.)
[^I might be over thinking the power of the Unholy Mastery.]
I've been reforging/gearing for Hit(UntilCap)>Mastery>Haste>Critical>Expertise. I'm not sure if that's really the correct importance order, thus why I'm here.
If you could place any comments or suggestions with my rotation, spec, importance order, chants, etc. that'd be great (:
And sorry if this is is already addressed on a different forum, I couldn't find it then D: Thanks! ^-^
Hey Paragon :D
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... ine/simple
I've been running Unholy spec all of Cata and I was really wondering if I should be doing better then what I'm pulling (I'm aware Unholy DK's just got nerfed...even though I look at it as more of a buff[-ish?]). I see that a member of the Paragon runs it, Mancheese, but I just can't seem to be keeping up in DPS. I'm not geared into any raiding gear, so that could be why too? (346lvl with DPS) [Pulling about 12k DPS solid] I know some specs are more gear sensitive then others.
I'm running UP and using what I'd think would be a solid rotation. (Outbreak, FS, FS, SS, SS, DCdump; SSx6 DCdump/ Dark Transformation when it's up. Then repeat. Adding in DC procs.)
[^I might be over thinking the power of the Unholy Mastery.]
I've been reforging/gearing for Hit(UntilCap)>Mastery>Haste>Critical>Expertise. I'm not sure if that's really the correct importance order, thus why I'm here.
If you could place any comments or suggestions with my rotation, spec, importance order, chants, etc. that'd be great (:
And sorry if this is is already addressed on a different forum, I couldn't find it then D: Thanks! ^-^
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 2
Hello everyone. I'd appreciate some help here.
I've been playing Frost DK for a long while.
Though now i've got a problem, i don't do as much DPS as i should be doing.
Tonights Nefarian encounter is a good example. I'm doing 17k DPS.
Atramedes was 13k DPS, Chimaeron was 17k DPS. And so on, it's too low.
Now, can anyone give me some tips for my DK?
Here is my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... rik/simple .
Of course i am following the priority system.
Looking forward to hear from you.
I've been playing Frost DK for a long while.
Though now i've got a problem, i don't do as much DPS as i should be doing.
Tonights Nefarian encounter is a good example. I'm doing 17k DPS.
Atramedes was 13k DPS, Chimaeron was 17k DPS. And so on, it's too low.
Now, can anyone give me some tips for my DK?
Here is my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... rik/simple .
Of course i am following the priority system.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 9
Ok Mordfabrik, alot of wrong things goin on here.
I personally have a equipped 357 or 8 gear doing 21k in dw frost.
First of all, your expertise is 31/31, i personally dont have more then 23/23 (5,75%) Even doh i think everything over 5% is overkill.
You should get the meta gem which increases your strenght, and not your critical. Get the best shoulder enchant. Pure mastery on ur boots, if you need minor move speed, then change presence.
As you are going frost dw, haste is not usefull, mastery on the other hand is great. You should reforge all your haste/crit that you dont need to mastery. You have only reforged +56 mastery, which is most likely why you do such a small amount(concidering your gear) dps. I have 19.40-ish mastery which gives my HB and my FS a real boost.
Dual Wield
Strength > Hit to cap >= Expertise to cap > Mastery > Crit > Haste > Agility
Your weapons:
Rune of the fallen crusader in the OH always! Razorice in the MH!
Your specc:
Icy Reach, There is no reason to have icy reach when you are rocking dw frost. Spend the talents on runic power mastery instead so you can top of with FS and being capable of storing more RP is great(HB,FS).
Change your weapons equipped sides.
Get down to 23/23 exp.
Enchant Pure Mastery.
Reforge all your uneeded haste and crit to mastery.
Keep RP capped in fight for more FS(Use HoW).
Your proced crits is left for OB.
Re-work your specc.
Exp 23/23
Hit 8.00%
Haste(None, really)
Dont gem others then pure strength when you have a viable gear to keep yourself hit-capped.
I personally have a equipped 357 or 8 gear doing 21k in dw frost.
First of all, your expertise is 31/31, i personally dont have more then 23/23 (5,75%) Even doh i think everything over 5% is overkill.
You should get the meta gem which increases your strenght, and not your critical. Get the best shoulder enchant. Pure mastery on ur boots, if you need minor move speed, then change presence.
As you are going frost dw, haste is not usefull, mastery on the other hand is great. You should reforge all your haste/crit that you dont need to mastery. You have only reforged +56 mastery, which is most likely why you do such a small amount(concidering your gear) dps. I have 19.40-ish mastery which gives my HB and my FS a real boost.
Dual Wield
Strength > Hit to cap >= Expertise to cap > Mastery > Crit > Haste > Agility
Your weapons:
Rune of the fallen crusader in the OH always! Razorice in the MH!
Your specc:
Icy Reach, There is no reason to have icy reach when you are rocking dw frost. Spend the talents on runic power mastery instead so you can top of with FS and being capable of storing more RP is great(HB,FS).
Change your weapons equipped sides.
Get down to 23/23 exp.
Enchant Pure Mastery.
Reforge all your uneeded haste and crit to mastery.
Keep RP capped in fight for more FS(Use HoW).
Your proced crits is left for OB.
Re-work your specc.
Exp 23/23
Hit 8.00%
Haste(None, really)
Dont gem others then pure strength when you have a viable gear to keep yourself hit-capped.
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 2
Thanks alot for the answer, i really appreciate it.
Though now, i've reforged, regemmed and re-enchanted.
I can reach 17,93 Mastery, which is the highest i can get with my gear at the moment.
Though, still i only do 12k-ish DPS on dummies (i know, dummies). But still. THIS IS WITHOUT ANY COOLDOWNS. When i pop my CD's i'll reach 16 - 17k DPS but it drops as soon as my CD's runs out and then i'm back at 12k-ish dps.
I'm following the prio system, etc.
Would appreciate an answer - if someone knows what i'm doing wrong.
Though now, i've reforged, regemmed and re-enchanted.
I can reach 17,93 Mastery, which is the highest i can get with my gear at the moment.
Though, still i only do 12k-ish DPS on dummies (i know, dummies). But still. THIS IS WITHOUT ANY COOLDOWNS. When i pop my CD's i'll reach 16 - 17k DPS but it drops as soon as my CD's runs out and then i'm back at 12k-ish dps.
I'm following the prio system, etc.
Would appreciate an answer - if someone knows what i'm doing wrong.
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 9
Hm, well it also do depends on your rotation.
When i play dw frost i usually try to get RP capped as much as i can to spam out those FS's as its affected by mastery, the more the better. The procs in dw frost i usually spend on OB but if the rune required is regening i use it on FS. Tip; use HoW when you can.
So your rotation should look something like this - Diseases > Ob if both Frost/Unholy pairs and/or both Death runes are up, or if KM is procced > BS if both Blood Runes are up > FS if RP capped > Rime > Ob > BS > FS > HoW.
Thats the one i usually stick to single target. Even doh there is no need to exactly follow it by any means.
But one thing before i am done writing this post, do you have 8,00% hit? As in; are you capped?
When i play dw frost i usually try to get RP capped as much as i can to spam out those FS's as its affected by mastery, the more the better. The procs in dw frost i usually spend on OB but if the rune required is regening i use it on FS. Tip; use HoW when you can.
So your rotation should look something like this - Diseases > Ob if both Frost/Unholy pairs and/or both Death runes are up, or if KM is procced > BS if both Blood Runes are up > FS if RP capped > Rime > Ob > BS > FS > HoW.
Thats the one i usually stick to single target. Even doh there is no need to exactly follow it by any means.
But one thing before i am done writing this post, do you have 8,00% hit? As in; are you capped?
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 2
Hi to all of you, guys! Paragon, my big grats to you. Ragna is your friend now))
So, about problem. Here's my DK http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ткач-смерти/Антоине/advanced
The questions are: Should I change my purple gems to +40 str? How much haste should I have? Is there a "cap" of haste rating, exceeding which I must reforge into mastery? And what can you advice in general?
Big tx to you))
So, about problem. Here's my DK http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ткач-смерти/Антоине/advanced
The questions are: Should I change my purple gems to +40 str? How much haste should I have? Is there a "cap" of haste rating, exceeding which I must reforge into mastery? And what can you advice in general?
Big tx to you))
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 4
So I just joined a raid Team via 10man as a Frost DK. Now I know I'm the not the best by any means but I like playing 2H over DW. Last night we had attempts on Normal Rag and I seemed to only be doing Sub 17k. Once of the guys whisper to me that the last DW DK that they had was pulling 20k+ but as I looked him up he was in Heroic gear, Would that make a difference??
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/7q550x6m ... amageDone/
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/h ... kie/simple
**Ignore Lifeblood as Im getting ready to PL Engineering.
I've read Elitist Jerks and WoW forums and people say you wanna use OB when KM is up which I totally understand why but when I look at some of the Top DK's in WoL FS is there number one over OB. Now usually when I'm DPSing I'm using KM with FS or OB which ever is open because I feel if I wait for OB to come off CD I'm wasting DPS. I've also read that the DPS between the 2 specs are sub minimal.
Could I get some advise as to how to up my DPS more or is it I just need to watch Runes and procs more closely? I feel I should be able to push 20K+. As far as Spec / Glyphs / Gems / Enchants / Gear Setup (I have 4/5 T11 but figured my Heroic chest & T12 Gloves were better than using 4pc bonus) I feel is correct. I follow the rotation that is suggested as well. Now I do watch CLC_DK to make sure I'm maximizing my DPS. Could that added be hurting me?
Mods I use are: DBM / X-Peral / Recount / Omen / CLC_DK / OmmiCC (CD counter)
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/7q550x6m ... amageDone/
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/h ... kie/simple
**Ignore Lifeblood as Im getting ready to PL Engineering.
I've read Elitist Jerks and WoW forums and people say you wanna use OB when KM is up which I totally understand why but when I look at some of the Top DK's in WoL FS is there number one over OB. Now usually when I'm DPSing I'm using KM with FS or OB which ever is open because I feel if I wait for OB to come off CD I'm wasting DPS. I've also read that the DPS between the 2 specs are sub minimal.
Could I get some advise as to how to up my DPS more or is it I just need to watch Runes and procs more closely? I feel I should be able to push 20K+. As far as Spec / Glyphs / Gems / Enchants / Gear Setup (I have 4/5 T11 but figured my Heroic chest & T12 Gloves were better than using 4pc bonus) I feel is correct. I follow the rotation that is suggested as well. Now I do watch CLC_DK to make sure I'm maximizing my DPS. Could that added be hurting me?
Mods I use are: DBM / X-Peral / Recount / Omen / CLC_DK / OmmiCC (CD counter)
Re: Death Knight help
- Posts: 1
I've been reading alot into how to maximize my dps by reading through EJ on numerous occasions, aswell i have looked through you forums to see if i could find and answer for what i could possible be doing wrong with regards to my dps, for some reason i cannot stay above the 20k dps mark i don't think i'm doing anything wrong. ie. trying my best to always use my OB over my FS for when KM procs. Any help or advise you would be able to give me would be grateful.
And my Latest Raid (10m FL)
And my Latest Raid (10m FL)