Re: So.....
- Posts: 9
NB: Before I get flamed, I haven't 'pulled' Nerfarian heroic so have no idea why you would use 11 druids - I've only seen various speculation. I'm sure you've all had your fun laughing at the "QQ" by now - and you already got the first, so could you be so kind as to let us know?!
Ps. Diviil rocks.
Ps. Diviil rocks.
Re: So.....
- Posts: 1
Bringing 10+ druids just for rooting/CC would be pretty stupid imo since most classes have some kind of CC. If we think what else would be reasons to bring druids it would probably be combat ress and Tranquility. Since bringing so many druids, to have Tranquility every 10% and some extra for other mechanics, seems to much like "Hey, let's do this every fight!" i would guess that you brought many druids for combat ress since everyone forgot to read the patch notes, but in the end you managed to kill him anyway after realizing your tactic failed. \o/ Well done anyways!
Re: So.....
- Posts: 1
5 people get MC'd at a time and are able to stack up a buff to make your next ability do 2250% more damage during the fight. The buff is only supposed to work on your next ability but Rip circumvents that and makes it so each tick ticks for 500k+.
The extra tranqs were an added bonus and anyone thinking that they were there to CC adds is delusional considering how incredibly tight the enrage timer is. Sure, a cyclone or a root can help in a pinch, but the main reason they were brought was to take advantage of Feral bleeds (mainly Rip) doing a ton of extra damage.
You get "MC'd" and walk towards a portal. You have 2 abilities to use, 1 stacks a buff on yourself up to 150 stacks that increases the damage of your next ability and the second ability breaks the MC. If you reach the portal while MC'd, you die instantly. The point is to stack it up as high as possible and then break the MC and your next ability does a lot of damage, except every tick of Rip gains the benefit from the buff meaning instead of one ability hitting for 500k+, you get 7 or 8 ticks of Rip doing that much.
Love the hints they left in the news post.
6 posts -