Hello and thx for letting me join your forum ^^. I have one question if i can get some help please.
As an affli lock i'm undecided which pants to craft from:
http://www.wowhead.com/item=54603 crit + haste
http://www.wowhead.com/item=54604 crit + mastery
Here is my armory :
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ock/simple
Affliction tailor pants
Affliction tailor pants
- Posts: 6
Re: Affliction tailor pants
- Posts: 6
thx manni...yea i got 2 new trinkets and haven't reforged yet ^^.
yea i was thinking of the pants with haste/crit as haste~mastery>crit but those ones have a red gem which is a big plus^^
yea i was thinking of the pants with haste/crit as haste~mastery>crit but those ones have a red gem which is a big plus^^
Re: Affliction tailor pants
- Posts: 9
As a general rule, I ignore socket bonuses whereby the bonus itself isn't more than 20 of our best stat (int, hit(if needed), haste, crit). +10 haste really shouldn't come into such a decision :)
4 posts -