Greetings Paragon, My guild is currently starting Hardmode Halfus attempts as of tonight and we were having some extreme issues w/ the stacking healing reduction debuff he hits the tank w/ extremely often. We've thought about and heard about tank swapping but in all the kill video's we've witnessed we can not see any tank swaps happening...Just curious as to your tanking roster and setup for this fight, and which drakes you're releasing and the order you're killing them in. this information would help greatly..hopefully and I'd appreciate any help your willing to give.
Dunky-SV Hunter
Question about Halfus Wyrmbreaker (Heroic)
Re: Question about Halfus Wyrmbreaker (Heroic)
- Posts: 317
The drake that reduces his attack speed also drastically reduces the speed of the debuff stacking.
Re: Question about Halfus Wyrmbreaker (Heroic)
- Posts: 1
My guild also started working on Halfus 25 but our problems start right on the pull because we feel we must interrupt that first shadow nova cast. After 6 secs into the fight everyone spams their interrupt ability sometimes we manage it and most of the times we dont. What is Paragon doing regarding this detail? Ty in advance and a big gratz for your progress and effort :)
Re: Question about Halfus Wyrmbreaker (Heroic)
- Posts: 6
You don't have to kill a drake to get the damage increase on Halfus. My guild used 5 tanks for it, 3 tank rotation on Halfus dropping to 2 once the Slate Dragon was released. One tank picks up Whelps+Time Warden another tank picks up Storm Rider, one of the 3 Halfus Tanks picks up Nether Scion. Hero and burn Storm Rider, Storm Rider tank picks up Slate Dragon when Storm Rider dies. Use cooldowns to survive Furious Roars.
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