Dear Warlocks of Paragon
Im an Affliction Warlock just as of now. Though i got several questions regarding soul demon, glyphs en drain life filler.
About Soul Demon and Glyphs
Things I know: -Soul Demon is best with Fel Hunter
-Glyph of Lash of Pain gives best pet damage with Succubus
-Glyph of Corruption will be used if you choose to use the Fel Hunter with the Demon Soul.
What I am testing is: -Start with Succubus and the Glyph of Lash of Pain
-Use Soulburn Summon Fel Hunter and Demon Soul
-After the cooldown of Soulburn is gone use Soulburn Summon Succubus
-You do the first two steps under 25%
This seems viable since you use 3 soulburns and 2 good Demon Souls this way.
I am totally not sure this is working especially cause of the summon pet and he needs to run all the way to the boss again.
There are obviously more pro`s and cons but thats why I am asking your help.
What seems best according to you guys, considering glyphs pets and the rest.
Another question is considering Drain Life as filler.
I kinda hate Drain Life as filler since you also need to watch Soul Fire these days, plus you also need to watch Shadow Embrace
falling of, which you don't when you spam SB.
Also Drain Life timing with Latency is extremely hard.
A Pro is its value with Mastery and it has done some ticks even when you didnt finish the cast.
Im just laying my ideas on the street out here, just so I can get a nice discussion going and showing why Im struggling to decide
what is best to do.
Warlocks of paragon, I hope to hear from you and good luck with progression.
Greets Lebron
Soul Demon, Glyphs, Drain Life filler
Re: Soul Demon, Glyphs, Drain Life filler
- Posts: 9
As affliction, starting with a Felhunter for Demon Soul and then switching to Succubus is a DPS gain. More of a DPS gain than a soulburn + soulfire would give you. This is especially true for execute range (<25%).
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