Survival Spec rotation?

Survival Spec rotation?

Post 09 Dec 2010 19:27

Avatar Añgeal
Posts: 6
Seems marksman isnt being used much anymore so survival sems a good choice to go with. What is the rotation for a survival hunter?

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 09 Jan 2011 13:22

Avatar Capricieux
Posts: 11

Helped me out a bit, I'm used to my druids. :)

Hope this helps you!


Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 11 Jan 2011 11:42

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Añgeal wrote:Seems marksman isnt being used much anymore so survival sems a good choice to go with. What is the rotation for a survival hunter?

There's no set rotation, the shot priorities go roughly like this:

  1. Explosive Shot
  2. Black Arrow
  3. Kill Shot
  4. Arcane Shot (only when target is at or below 80% hp)
  5. Cobra Shot

...and obviously put Serpent Sting and Hunter's Mark up if they aren't yet. Optimize Rapid Fire and other cooldowns depending on fight mechanics and Bloodlust/Heroism usage.

Capricieux wrote:

Recommend not following the priority given, since it's crap...

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 11 Jan 2011 12:40

Avatar Capricieux
Posts: 11
Woops =\ Sorry! Didn't mean to point someone in the wrong direction.

Good to know for future reference though I suppose, certainly appreciate it being pointed out!

I usually just read my tooltips and figure something out, but for some reason my hunter alt had me lost. I asked a guildie and that website was his answer.

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 17 Jan 2011 11:53

Avatar uzdrubah
Posts: 3
Kruf wrote:
There's no set rotation, the shot priorities go roughly like this:

  1. Explosive Shot
  2. Black Arrow
  3. Kill Shot
  4. Arcane Shot (only when target is at or below 80% hp)
  5. Cobra Shot

...and obviously put Serpent Sting and Hunter's Mark up if they aren't yet. Optimize Rapid Fire and other cooldowns depending on fight mechanics and Bloodlust/Heroism usage.

Cobra Shot is used even if we have excess of focus on targets above 80% hp?

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 17 Jan 2011 12:09

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
uzdrubah wrote:Cobra Shot is used even if we have excess of focus on targets above 80% hp?

At least until 4.0.6. The 60% extra crit chance makes it do more damage on average than arcane in that situation.

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 20 Jan 2011 11:48

Avatar Delfaris
Posts: 2
Kruf wrote:
uzdrubah wrote:Cobra Shot is used even if we have excess of focus on targets above 80% hp?

At least until 4.0.6. The 60% extra crit chance makes it do more damage on average than arcane in that situation.

Hi Kruf,

are you really sure of that ? Because global cooldown (when you do an arcane shot) is 1 second and casting time of cobra shot is 1,64 sec (for me with 7.72% of haste).

12658/1 > 17486/1.64 , with values of my character

So I think, it's just true (cobra > arcane shot) when you have rapid fire (or heroism) above 80% hp. However, in practice, it's difficult to have the possibility to do an arcane shot without rapid fire/heroism (to keep focus for explosive shot and black arrow) so...

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 21 Jan 2011 10:14

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Delfaris wrote:
Kruf wrote:
uzdrubah wrote:Cobra Shot is used even if we have excess of focus on targets above 80% hp?

At least until 4.0.6. The 60% extra crit chance makes it do more damage on average than arcane in that situation.

Hi Kruf,

are you really sure of that ? Because global cooldown (when you do an arcane shot) is 1 second and casting time of cobra shot is 1,64 sec (for me with 7.72% of haste).

12658/1 > 17486/1.64 , with values of my character

So I think, it's just true (cobra > arcane shot) when you have rapid fire (or heroism) above 80% hp. However, in practice, it's difficult to have the possibility to do an arcane shot without rapid fire/heroism (to keep focus for explosive shot and black arrow) so...

Right, without any haste buff up Arcane Shot is slightly more DPET, however you do want to be at full focus when the target drops below 80%, as at that point Arcane Shot is far more DPET than Cobra Shot. So it really should read something like this:

"If boss is above 80%, and you have no haste proc/buff up, and the boss is not going to drop below 80% before you can reach (nearly) full focus again, use Arcane Shot, otherwise use Cobra Shot."

Of course even this is oversimplification, because if you shoot one Arcane Shot between two Explosive Shots you end up with dead time in rotation (or have to delay the Explosive Shot) - so essentially the Arcane Shot didn't use just the 1sec GCD but also the empty time you had to wait for Explosive Shot to come off cooldown.

Re: Survival Spec rotation?

Post 26 Jan 2011 15:03

Avatar Delfaris
Posts: 2
Thanks a lot for your exhaustive answer. Congratulation for the tier 11 race !