Kruf/Devai reforging, ench and meta. and stuff

Kruf/Devai reforging, ench and meta. and stuff

Post 29 Nov 2010 12:48

Avatar Cataclysmftw
Posts: 5
Hi there, i'm wondering about what we should reforge as Surv, i heard it was haste but wont we get any problem holding enough focus? and is it any use when u losing so mutch haste for mastery.

also for meta do u go for the Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond?
Becourse it requires more blue than red so will it get better use for replacing with another that dosent require that?

And u know the stat surv is going for 1st? like ench what its worth getting on AP,Mastery or agi.

Anyways looking forward to Cataclysm ;D