Post 12 Nov 2010 00:21

Avatar ruibullseye
Posts: 7
Hi i wonder if u guys from paragon could help me, providing some information about priests.

1- How are they doing in raidings (as Shadow priests, and Holy)?
2- Is Holy broken like everyone is QQ about ? (if its true, will they get fix in the release)?
3- Which place SP use to get in raids in cata?

Feel free to add some extra information about them if u seem its important.
I will be appreciated for the time spent helping me out with this.

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 12 Nov 2010 07:38

User avatarzYN
Posts: 405
1. Crap.
2. Yes.
3. Usually lingering at about bottom-3 DPS-wise. Not quite as bad as tanks, but not much better.

As to your question about whether or not they'll get a fix in the release, players don't know that kind of stuff. An educated guess would be "yes, absolutely." The devs have shown that class balance is important and the overall balance has gotten radically better every single patch.

If you meant whether they'll get fixed before the release.. I wouldn't hold my breath. While they _will_ get eventually fixed, no non-dev knows if it's a priority issue to get it done or what their plans are or when it'll happen. It's just a lot of guessing - not something I'd be willing to bet my potential raid-spot on.

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 12 Nov 2010 12:50

User avataropex
Posts: 45
Lets just pray they'll now count shadow as pure dps and treat us more like warlock, not supporting role like it used to be and pushing us low on that base.
As for holy/disc i dunno, i just hope they do their job well here more than good, 'cause we all know how 'healing makes you hate people' already, apart from 'them' standing in fire.

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 12 Nov 2010 15:41

User avatararx
Posts: 273
From a healing perspective, holy probably isn't *that* bad anymore now that the aoe heals got pretty huge nerfs, since the priest puddle wasn't as good as druid/paladin aoe to begin with.

It's hard to say how much exactly they're behind right now, or if they are at all (they most likely still are), since we don't have enough useful data on the matter.

arx / xaar

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 12 Nov 2010 16:17

User avatarJhazrun
Posts: 390
The out-of-sight, out-of-mind change log left the latest build without so much as a quarter of the credit it deserves as precursor of better days to come.

As of yesterday my greatest plight lies in convincing myself the misplaced tail would go long enough on the way to keeping out my green-eyed for the Alliance. It's. Not. Working.

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 13 Nov 2010 15:29

Avatar Léblanc
Posts: 2
Hmm. I just found out that i got beta last week. So i made a priest ( ofc )
And tried out sanctuary it heals for 500-700 and crits for 800-1000..

Just made a shaman, and their healing rain heals for 2000-2200 and crits for 3000-3400 .. + it adds earthliving ..

Can't blizzard see that theres something wrong? or is it me who's not doing it right?

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 17 Nov 2010 17:40

Avatar Farnion
Posts: 92
well, latest ptr build buffed most of priest heal spells (or was this change already live on beta?)

Does this change anything?

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 20 Nov 2010 00:20

User avatarJhazrun
Posts: 390
Farnion wrote:well, latest ptr build buffed most of priest heal spells (or was this change already live on beta?)

Does this change anything?

The increase in base values of single-target heals was already in effect on the Beta realm. Holy rarely used said spells, and that is unlikely to change without deeper reworking, but Discipline found its main tool, Greater Heal, a world ahead of the prior. Criticals of 60,000+ effective health aren't an uncommon sight in pre-made gear.

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 20 Nov 2010 04:18

Avatar Radcliff13
Posts: 6
Have Shadow Priests really taken that much of a hit? And where would you recommend for lvling, Hyjal or Vashj'ir?

Re: Priest @ CATACLYSM

Post 20 Nov 2010 09:02

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551
Shadow priests are too far behind from the absolutely best dps (among with some other specs/classes).

If you are going to level with quests I'd do both Hyjal and Vashj'ir