Due to the huge popularity of the Paragon Cataclysm Beta raid videos there have been a lot of questions lately regarding the interfaces and addons used by some of the featured players. Since those information are spread throughout various threads or even the comments, this thread is aiming to collect all the important information.
The thread is sorted by the players featured in the videos. I will try to update this frequently if new questions come up and are answered. Hope this helps to avoid having the same questions over and over again.
Devai (Hunter)
What interface compilation is he using? - The compilation is called Elv's Edit ( http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=3557 ) which is based on the well-known lightweight TukUI ( http://www.tukui.org ) (Original post)
What is the name of the font in the scrolling combat text? - The font is included in the TukUI package and called combat_font.ttf. It can be found in \Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\ (not sure if they are included in the stand-alone SCT mod). (Original post)
Manni (Warlock)
What addon do you use to track your DoTs? - It is called Omni_CC ( http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/i ... mniCC.html ). (Original post)
Maeil (Rogue)
What addon do you use to track abilities? - It is called RoguePowerBars ( http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addo ... pb-20.aspx ). (Original post)
Diamondtear (Paladin)
What addon do you use to track your Holy Power stacks? - It is called Nugcombobar ( http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/i ... boBar.html ). (Original post)
Paragon UI Information
Paragon UI Information
- Posts: 357
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Paragon UI Information
- Posts: 17
I'd like to add a few things.
Elv's UI link no longer works, http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=4345 would be the updated one.
For Elv's old combat font, I uploaded my copy of it, since he replaced it with another one that is, imo, less harsh on the eyes =D
Elv's UI link no longer works, http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=4345 would be the updated one.
For Elv's old combat font, I uploaded my copy of it, since he replaced it with another one that is, imo, less harsh on the eyes =D
Standing in fire is like jumping off an airborne airplane. Either way, you die. The only difference is, the airplane has parachutes.
Re: Paragon UI Information
- Posts: 21
Please help!
I need the link for download Devai hunter ui config for Tuk UI please help me because i can't config it :(
and need more help for config this addon please!
Thanks for help! :)
I need the link for download Devai hunter ui config for Tuk UI please help me because i can't config it :(
and need more help for config this addon please!
Thanks for help! :)
Re: Paragon UI Information
- Posts: 17
Killerlord wrote:Please help!
I need the link for download Devai hunter ui config for Tuk UI please help me because i can't config it :(
and need more help for config this addon please!
Thanks for help! :)
UI config is part of the addon. /ec will do it. once installed use /uihelp
Xeno, you need to make a seperate forum for Devai's UI...
Standing in fire is like jumping off an airborne airplane. Either way, you die. The only difference is, the airplane has parachutes.
4 posts -