I'm making a Lich King 25 man Heroic Raid in the upcoming weeks and I would like to know what classes I will need to make the raid run smoothly. also what is the right gear score for Lich King 25 man Heroic? The raid will have free Flasks for the people and standard loot rules. This raid is for people to have fun and get the Title.
(Also this raid is only one boss fight the Licn King himself. i'm saved on him.)
(Yes we have vent)
Making Lich King 25 man Heroic
Making Lich King 25 man Heroic
- Posts: 2
Re: Making Lich King 25 man Heroic
- Posts: 57
- Location: England
And, your aware that to attempt heroic LK 25, you need to have that ID saved to a kill of Heroic Proffesor Putricide, Heroic Blood-Queen Lanathel and Heroic Sindragosa, yes? Just that people capable to killing those bosses tend to be in a guild that does it, im not trying to be negative I just think you would be wasting your time :S
For a PuG to kill it however, you would require people with experience on both normal and heroic LK, full BiS enchants, gems and brains. They would need up to data addons and non clustered UI's, DXE > Deadly boss mods without starting addon flame wars.
On a side note, if your measuring people by Gear score, and think you will find enough people with "enough GS" you will NOT kill this boss im afraid.
For a PuG to kill it however, you would require people with experience on both normal and heroic LK, full BiS enchants, gems and brains. They would need up to data addons and non clustered UI's, DXE > Deadly boss mods without starting addon flame wars.
On a side note, if your measuring people by Gear score, and think you will find enough people with "enough GS" you will NOT kill this boss im afraid.
Re: Making Lich King 25 man Heroic
- Posts: 57
- Location: England
killerbee wrote:ty we have down LK on 25 men all we need to do is heroic.
Unless things have changed, the lock out ID needs to have completed heroic BQL/PP/Sindy to set LK 25 to heroic. And if the group hasnt done these then chances of killing heroic LK are slim to none. No intention to be rude on my part, just realistic :S
Re: Making Lich King 25 man Heroic
- Posts: 405
With the balance being as it is, you're going to want very few (if any) rogues, warriors, hunters and ferals. Unholy (or frost, even) death knights, warlocks, mages, moonkins and retribution paladins absolutely shine there. A good blood DK will make an insanely good tank for that fight.
Don't get frustrated though or keep your standards too high - chances are you're not going to kill him before Cataclysm. Even we had a lot of trouble with H LK yesterday as a result of the new patch. A lot of people played like crap, no doubt, but it's not like we're total scrubs even then.
Don't get frustrated though or keep your standards too high - chances are you're not going to kill him before Cataclysm. Even we had a lot of trouble with H LK yesterday as a result of the new patch. A lot of people played like crap, no doubt, but it's not like we're total scrubs even then.
6 posts -