Hpally Talent points 4.0
Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 32
Just sitting around waiting for servers to come back up, ive been messing around with the calculator for awhile. i was just curious of what you guys had in mind as far as talents are concerned
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 136
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 10
Biggest question in my mind right away after looking at that spec would be: Why skip 6% straight healing boost from prot? o.O
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 1
3/3 Crusade > 3/3 Divinity at 80, no doubt. What I would like to know is that why do you choose Imp. Judgements over Eternal Glory? From my point of view 2/2 EG is a no-brainer choice.
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 32
So is stacking intel going to change? I was tesing my healing in a normal 25 toc pug, constantly oom and divine plea doesnt help me at all. i feel so overwhelmed with these changes
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 10
Agoles that depends heavily on your gear I guess. I didn't have any problems in the same instance yesterday (was there also just to test my healing output also ;). My pala is ICC25hc geared tho, maby thats what made the difference?
Re: Hpally Talent points 4.0
- Posts: 32
No, im mostly 277 few 264 pieces, recently switched my H saurfang mail belt to the 264 badge belt so i could get the 5% intel. I have tried many diff ways of healing, one being Holy light with shock on CD/Glory on cd, but it seems either 1. i can heal hard and go oom and cant do anything about it or 2. i can keep my mana but not keep tanks alive by myself.
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