Unholy uber alles?

Unholy uber alles?

Post 06 Oct 2010 12:19

Avatar Chris
Posts: 56
Hey there guys.

Only a few days ago, after i first tried frost (let me say it was worth the effort) now it seems unholy has tooked over. Not that i'm goint to rebuild just for that fact, but the thing is i'm curious.

What's with UH that makes it so popular?
I've heard is good on PvE, but what about PvP?


Re: Unholy uber alles?

Post 06 Oct 2010 15:18

User avatarzYN
Posts: 405
What makes UH popular is probably the significantly lower amount of skill required to do close to optimal DPS. You can't really mess up the rotation. For PvP, it's pretty much the obvious choice due to the talents it offers.

Re: Unholy uber alles?

Post 07 Oct 2010 12:29

Avatar Chris
Posts: 56
Wow, i didn't knew it was THAT good. I'll definitely give it a shot on weekend's PvP.
I remember now some Warrior challenging me a few days ago, asking me not using the Gargoyle, now i know why.

Thx a lot man.

Re: Unholy uber alles?

Post 07 Oct 2010 15:10

Avatar Taomi
Posts: 28
Furthermore it's so popular because it's the spec that profits the most by that *INSANE OLOLOL ORANGE LEGENDARY*-Axe you can see anywhere because for most part Blood is not as competitive as Unholy in encounters nowadays.

Re: Unholy uber alles?

Post 12 Oct 2010 13:35

Avatar Chris
Posts: 56
Thx again. I love my Blood spec too much, so i'll gone hybrid, i'm testing it and so far is awesome. It's still on development but it is around 25/0/46 or maybe 17/10/44.