More Frost questions
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Re: More Frost questions
- Posts: 8
Yes. Atleast together with Unbreakable armor and you can mix it aswell with Bloodlust/Heroism but chose it together when alot of buffs are up.
Re: More Frost questions
- Posts: 6
Thanks allot Vio. Blood dps seemed to be allot more simpler but I'm definitely liking frost so far.
Re: More Frost questions
- Posts: 33
Violated wrote:KM should allways be used with Frost Strike not Howling Blast unless there are 3 mobs or more. The way i prio things is
Runes all ways on CD
Frost Strike if KM is up
Frost strike if RIME isnt up
Howling Blast if Rime is up and KM isnt (eventho you got runicpower for a frost strike)
if Rime (freezeing Fog) and KM is up you do Frost strike first then Howling blast !IF! the runes still are on CD remember runes comes first.
So I understand you are saying who comes first in priority is the runes(OB-OB-BS-Pestilence -> OB-OB-OB thing) and when all the runes are in cooldown I use the procs of KM and Rime in the prior order? Just to be clear...
I'm asking it because I've read some threads in another forums, and they are saying a confuse priority/rotation to frost dps... Saying KM + Frost strike above all in priority, but if I spend my gcd doing KM procs, my disease are falling all the time and a got bored with it.
Re: More Frost questions
- Posts: 405
KM+FS above all else is just shit for DPS. I don't know what you've been reading.
You want to use your Rime procs _right away_, as long as a) you're not delaying your runes (although using rune grace period is fine) and b) you'd otherwise run into an empty global within next ~6-8 seconds. HoW isn't included in filling up globals - it's the absolutely last thing you're gonna want to use a GCD on.
You want to use your Rime procs _right away_, as long as a) you're not delaying your runes (although using rune grace period is fine) and b) you'd otherwise run into an empty global within next ~6-8 seconds. HoW isn't included in filling up globals - it's the absolutely last thing you're gonna want to use a GCD on.
Re: More Frost questions
- Posts: 92
zYN wrote:KM+FS above all else is just shit for DPS. I don't know what you've been reading.
EJ frost thread discussions :D
some people there are also talking about using KM only with rime because of FS already having a very high crit chance
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