I changed my mind, your gear it's pretty much the problem, although it has alluring stats, they're not what you actually need, for a DK it's not just strenght & stamina, it comes to CRITICAL & last but not least DEFENSE (for PARRY that is). You should also adapt your gear to your build, that's a MUST. There's no use on being historically Unholy (i mean talented & equiped for it) and change specs just because de party asks you to, maybe that was your problem, try to be sincere to your party. Even if each Dk tree serves to TANK, if they're looking for a TANK and you're geared for DPS, you'll be worthless. Try to find a party that fits your attributes.
Correct me if i'm wrong zyn.
Even if you're lazy i believe we've been too hard on you, even i feel like a newbie when playing a DK. I hope this will help you.
For rotations:
A DK 5,9k GS WITH 4k DPS in ICC - NEED HELP !!!!!
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Re: A DK 5,9k GS WITH 4k DPS in ICC - NEED HELP !!!!!
- Posts: 92
I don't think that the op wants to tank anything?
His current gear is pretty... horrible? Nice example that looking for a high GS rating can be pretty bad. (gemming stamina, gemming str/crit in a belt without getting socket bonus maybe just because he has seen that somewhere but has not noticed that there a 2 different belts which may look the same, one for badge, one dropping in the chest of dreamwalker, 663 hit rating, not even talking about tanking talents in a dps build)
If your gemming Str and Str/Haste, you can switch from frost to unholy and backwards. Of course you should look at expertise (currently not that important for unholy, but frost you should get near the cap) and hit. But if those stats are mainly capped with your gear (and not your weapon) you can swap between unholy and frost pretty well (if you have propper weapons)
His current gear is pretty... horrible? Nice example that looking for a high GS rating can be pretty bad. (gemming stamina, gemming str/crit in a belt without getting socket bonus maybe just because he has seen that somewhere but has not noticed that there a 2 different belts which may look the same, one for badge, one dropping in the chest of dreamwalker, 663 hit rating, not even talking about tanking talents in a dps build)
If your gemming Str and Str/Haste, you can switch from frost to unholy and backwards. Of course you should look at expertise (currently not that important for unholy, but frost you should get near the cap) and hit. But if those stats are mainly capped with your gear (and not your weapon) you can swap between unholy and frost pretty well (if you have propper weapons)
Re: A DK 5,9k GS WITH 4k DPS in ICC - NEED HELP !!!!!
- Posts: 357
Without wanting to talk bad about the OP, what he needs imo would be someone to give him a step by step plan on what to change combined with simple arguments WHY without getting too detailed. You have to do this BECAUSE you need it to.... or You have to change THIS because you have too much / too little etc... of it.
Plus... the OP prolly ain't reading this anymore, so why all the hassle. If he wants to really learn he will sooner or later because a friend / guild mate gives him advise that is helpful or he reads stuff up.
Plus... the OP prolly ain't reading this anymore, so why all the hassle. If he wants to really learn he will sooner or later because a friend / guild mate gives him advise that is helpful or he reads stuff up.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: A DK 5,9k GS WITH 4k DPS in ICC - NEED HELP !!!!!
- Posts: 1
He got 5% over hitcap, he does'nt cover his Metagem and his speccs are horrible. I wonder if the BloodSpecc is for tanking or Dps, really. You say that you have read guides, but I seriously doubt it. There are some nice Dk guides on Ensidias website, check them out.
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