Like Farnion wrote, although I believe the RGP to be 2.5 seconds. Either way, I wouldn't use more than one global after runes finish up.
I didn't check the RP gains on your Saurfang fights. That's a sick amount of extra RP to get, makes me jealous of your druids tbh. But anyway, with Bloodlust/Heroism being up for a good chunk of the fight, having two speed potions and you having a chance to proc extra haste, I'd definitely say to go for Dirge still. The globals you have on casting DC will be very close to 1 second. If you use the RGP to your advantage you shouldn't be overflowing too much.
Just practice on a dummy for a bit on (ab)using the RGP to your advantage. It's not hard at all once you get the hang of it - you'll definitely be able to throw out more DCs as a result of less RP being wasted. I'd swap to Glyph of Disease in your case too, which also adds one free global.
If you got sensible rogues in your guild, rolling ToTT alone for the majority of the fight will make GoD significantly superior already. Given that you can also fit in more DCs (even in fights without heavy AMS soaking, as you have ton of druids) it should be a significant boost to your DPS.
With GoD on that same parse:
DC damage goes down from 278,417 (glyph only, no Morbidity) to 242,102 - leaving a difference of 36315 to make up for.
PS+IT in that log 13074 dmg on average. SS is at 19096. You cast 11 PS and 9 IT. Let's say you even messed up the rotation and had to use more PS+IT than it would be normally necessary. So 6 extra SS would already do roughly 36000 damage (on top of leaving you with one extra global).
Depending on how you handle your diseases, a GoD refresh gives either one or two more extra ticks every time the diseases are about to expire (juggling vs rotation). 190 seconds comes down to 10 refreshes. So 10 or 20 extra ticks on diseases, let's say 1700 damage on average per tick. 17,000 or 34,000 damage - not counting the free spread on adds.
If you were to roll ToTT, you can add +15% extra damage to ~80-90% of your Wandering Plague, Frost Fever and Blood Plague ticks (assuming you don't get the first set of tricks). That would be anywhere from 50k to 70k extra damage.
Feel free to check (=please do check) it if my napkin math is off at some point or if I missed something entirely. It looks like you'd break pretty much even with the PS+IT being traded for SS alone. Which doesn't surprise me, since Shadowmourne hits like a truck. You also get a free global, which is awesome when you're soaking up shit with AMS or in your case when you have extra druids and the value is pretty hard to calculate, as you usually don't overflow all of the RP. The free disease spread on adds is also extremely nice.
[edit:] Forgot to substract some BS -> Pestilence damage.
Please help me tweak my dps.
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Re: Please help me tweak my dps.
- Posts: 10
so I went and changed to dirge. Even at 21 dps increase its worth it since I would pay for a piece of gear that gives me even a 2 dps increase.
I went to a dummy and checked to see how the grace period worked. What I did was IT,PS,BS,SS, wait for runes to test RGP, DC,immediate SS, (8 sec refresh time), SS,BS,BS, wait for runes,DC,immediate SS, (another 8 sec refresh time)
So ya, you can dc right as a rune comes up and then use the rune, it always comes back at 8 seconds as long as you only do the one DC before the rune use. It even feels safer if I can time it so I dc before my blood runes come up in case I get a dodge or parry or something.
Doing this my RP stays way below 100. Its so pro! It will def up my dps.
Went to ulduar for a weekly mim's head run (didn't win it but I will soon) and tried this play style. When I could remember to dc as runes refresh I actually had empty gcd's and not come close to rp cap. That gives me more time to deal with stuff happening and throwing out how or any number of things.
I usually have 2 rogues and I am sure I can get one to give me the 2nd tott no prob. I never was a fan of the GoD play style, but if I can get dps out of it I will def rock it. Hell I played blood spec forever and hated UH but went UH cause its better for personal numbers and the raid.
I went to a dummy and checked to see how the grace period worked. What I did was IT,PS,BS,SS, wait for runes to test RGP, DC,immediate SS, (8 sec refresh time), SS,BS,BS, wait for runes,DC,immediate SS, (another 8 sec refresh time)
So ya, you can dc right as a rune comes up and then use the rune, it always comes back at 8 seconds as long as you only do the one DC before the rune use. It even feels safer if I can time it so I dc before my blood runes come up in case I get a dodge or parry or something.
Doing this my RP stays way below 100. Its so pro! It will def up my dps.
Went to ulduar for a weekly mim's head run (didn't win it but I will soon) and tried this play style. When I could remember to dc as runes refresh I actually had empty gcd's and not come close to rp cap. That gives me more time to deal with stuff happening and throwing out how or any number of things.
I usually have 2 rogues and I am sure I can get one to give me the 2nd tott no prob. I never was a fan of the GoD play style, but if I can get dps out of it I will def rock it. Hell I played blood spec forever and hated UH but went UH cause its better for personal numbers and the raid.
Re: Please help me tweak my dps.
- Posts: 10
Farnion wrote:
You can just try it out if you have a decent rune monitor, just hit the puppet.
I use dkinfo runes on live and omni cc. As I hit my runes they show the cooldown on individual runes. I can see them pop up with an 8 when I use the DC first.
zYN wrote:Depending on how you handle your diseases, a GoD refresh gives either one or two more extra ticks every time the diseases are about to expire (juggling vs rotation).
Not sure what this means. The only time I've heard of juggling vs rotation is with GoDD not GoD. As I understand it juggling is applying diseases as IT,PS then next time as PS,IT, then IT,PS and so on. I'm assuming rotation is the same application every time. I don't know how to juggle with GoD and keep the ap modifier up from that early tricks.
Are you saying you get more ticks with one over the other? and more ticks than both when using GoD? Btw I try to stick to a rotation where I PS before IT so that I have Rage of Rivendare up for IT and the frost fever ticks.
I'm gonna leave that napkin math double check for later (prob be lazy and take your word for it >.< ) since its late and I just got done with a fun lower tier run. = tired.
Thank you both for the explination. It makes it clear and its also clear its something I haven't been doing and should have.
Re: Please help me tweak my dps.
- Posts: 405
What I meant with juggling vs rotation is exactly that. Juggling gives you one extra tick, but you'll still be overwriting the other disease's last tick. With GoD, you don't cut off any ticks. So basically if you were to do a steady rotation and apply PS every time Blood Fever is going to fall off, you'll lose one tick. If you do the same for IT, you lose one tick. If you juggle, you lose only one tick per two diseases.
So depending on what you're doing right now, you'll either gain two ticks of diseases per 20s or one tick. Either way it's an upgrade though. If you don't have another DK (meaning you can't juggle) or if you weren't juggling, it's twice as good with the extra ticks.
As for "rolling" with GoD, you just need to get ToTT and apply the diseases. After that, you keep the stack up by refreshing with pestilence and you'll get the damage bonus for as long as you keep the diseases up on the boss through GoD. Usually this means until they die.
So depending on what you're doing right now, you'll either gain two ticks of diseases per 20s or one tick. Either way it's an upgrade though. If you don't have another DK (meaning you can't juggle) or if you weren't juggling, it's twice as good with the extra ticks.
As for "rolling" with GoD, you just need to get ToTT and apply the diseases. After that, you keep the stack up by refreshing with pestilence and you'll get the damage bonus for as long as you keep the diseases up on the boss through GoD. Usually this means until they die.
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