Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 15 Sep 2010 12:43

Avatar Niightstar
Posts: 5
Just wondering about a spec you may have chosen come 4.0?
I know you posted one a while back, but it may be outdated, and the link doesn't work for me.

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 16 Sep 2010 22:03

Avatar Quenay
Posts: 8
I've heard some talk about engineering being better than blacksmithing.
Is that true?

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 23 Sep 2010 14:36

Avatar Nikorash
Posts: 29
Hey, Kruf, could you please post the spec you used for testing again? The one you posted in the OP is invalid (just takes me to the website, no spec). :)

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 23 Sep 2010 14:43

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Nikorash wrote:Hey, Kruf, could you please post the spec you used for testing again? The one you posted in the OP is invalid (just takes me to the website, no spec). :)

I currently have some quick leveling MM spec - so many abilities are completely ridiculous at the moment that it makes no sense to try to make a real spec yet. For example, Arcane Shot hits about the same as Aimed Shot, but uses less than half the focus and is instant vs 3.0sec (not counting haste) cast time...

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 25 Sep 2010 17:15

Avatar Intrex
Posts: 8
Anybody have any idea what glyphs are going to be best as of 4.0.1 build on PTR? most have changed and i'm not quite sure what is best anymore


Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 04 Oct 2010 22:46

Avatar yavania
Posts: 5
Kruf - What spec / glyphs you going to be rolling in cata, my guilds getting close to LK 25 HC kill and im actually clueless at what to spec and i dont wnna be subbed XD

also what rotation will you take so i can try to adapt something like it and i have a base point to work from.

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 19 Oct 2010 03:33

Avatar bkn0x
Posts: 3
Hey Kruf was wondering what spec your using right now for DPS saw you where in the video that was just posted of Halfus. Also are hunters as bad now as everyone says they are? :(

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 19 Oct 2010 08:28

Avatar kalou_CdT
Posts: 14
hi there,
Playing actually on live and Beta, i was thinking in a basic question : what is the best pet since wolves have lost their personal boost?
In my opinion "cats" are cool, because of their suposed "Rake", boosted by Drood's Mangle.
The fact is i didn't found any pet whit this ability, all witch were supposed to get it now gets "Claw".
I yet make a research on french speacking forums, nothing found, that's why i post here.

So, if anyone has found a pet with a rake (on live or beta, my both hunters will be glad of it :p), please share it :p


Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 19 Oct 2010 08:45

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
bkn0x wrote:Hey Kruf was wondering what spec your using right now for DPS saw you where in the video that was just posted of Halfus. Also are hunters as bad now as everyone says they are? :(

I'm playing survival at the moment in beta, as it seems to work best for raid bosses. BM isn't terribad either but the mechanics of Kill Command make it awkward to use in high latency and when targets are moving around.

As for hunters being bad, I haven't heard any such thing, in fact I'm pretty reliably up there in top5 on single target standstill fights. Sustained AoE is also quite decent, not as good as the "imba AoE" classes. The one thing we're a bit weak (at least SV) is burst AoE on a few targets - rogues and warriors dominate pretty well there.

Re: Hunters in Cataclysm beta

Post 19 Oct 2010 09:03

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
kalou_CdT wrote:hi there,
Playing actually on live and Beta, i was thinking in a basic question : what is the best pet since wolves have lost their personal boost?

You use whatever pet brings the best buff/debuff missing from the raid. If the raid already has all bases covered, bring any tenacity pet you want.

kalou_CdT wrote:In my opinion "cats" are cool, because of their suposed "Rake", boosted by Drood's Mangle.
The fact is i didn't found any pet whit this ability, all witch were supposed to get it now gets "Claw".

As for the DPS attacks of pets, here's what bluepost says is available:
DPS Abilities
  • Bite - Bite the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown
  • Claw - Claw the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown
  • Smack - Smack the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown

I couldn't find any mention of Rake in the posts discussing the pet changes, can you link the bluepost where it was mentioned?