If you have questions...

If you have questions...

Post 11 Sep 2010 13:04

Avatar Diahi
Posts: 202
Lately we've been getting several PM:s a week here on the forums and in-game concerning rogues and questions on how we play the game. Please post them in the rogue forums instead of PMing us here (I can only speak for myself concerning the in-game pms though :)). This way we don't have to answer the same questions several times (hopefully) and more people can get the same information here by just searching around a bit. I guess this should apply for other classes' forums aswell.


EDIT: If you feel that your question is so urgent that you absolutely need to ask in irc, you should just ask the actual question instead of if I have time to answer or if I'm there. I probably won't react to either of those. I will answer when I have time and if I don't, your question was probably already answered here or just isn't worth answering in the first place.