Is Skada lying, or is Recount?
Because when I use Recount, my dps is almost halfed, compared to the results that Skada returns, why?
Is there something wrong with my gearing / gemming? Is it my recently made, fine-tuned (with femaledwarf) gemming choice? What could it be? ... n=Nikorash
Low DPS - Recount
Low DPS - Recount
- Posts: 29
Re: Low DPS - Recount
- Posts: 12
I personally see more accurate numbers with recount over skada. But thats just me personally. In regards to your dps, according to your armory you are in half ArP gems and half agility gems. Is your goal to be full ArP? Cause in my personal opinion you started gemming ArP way too early. With NES the soft cap for ArP is 722 since when it procs, it gives you an extra 678 ArP matching you to the 1400 cap. I was full agility in my gear till I hit 722 and got a new/better trink then NES (DBW preferred).
Im sure I will be corrected if I am wrong in this post, but it worked successfully for me.
Im sure I will be corrected if I am wrong in this post, but it worked successfully for me.
Re: Low DPS - Recount
- Posts: 29
I have been going after an ArP build, catching some socket bonuses with 10+ Agil + Crit gems, but I see that half agil, half ArP won't work for me, I will change back to full agility, then wait for DBW / Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord.
Thank you. :)
Thank you. :)
Re: Low DPS - Recount
- Posts: 473
Nikorash wrote:Is Skada lying, or is Recount?
Because when I use Recount, my dps is almost halfed, compared to the results that Skada returns, why?
Probably both are correct. They simply use different definitions; Recount calculates what we would call "active dps", as in dps over the time you're actually doing something, while I suspect Skada counts "average dps" over the whole combat duration. This is the same reason your Recount numbers never really match WMO or WoL numbers.
Nikorash wrote:Is there something wrong with my gearing / gemming? Is it my recently made, fine-tuned (with femaledwarf) gemming choice? What could it be? ... n=Nikorash
Armory seems to be claiming no such character exists, so I can't really comment :(
Lailyne wrote:With NES the soft cap for ArP is 722 since when it procs, it gives you an extra 678 ArP matching you to the 1400 cap. I was full agility in my gear till I hit 722 and got a new/better trink then NES (DBW preferred).
Last I checked it made sense to gem enough arpen to be exactly capped with NES proc up if you had the trinket. Although this probably depends on the rest of your gear, especially your ranged weapon. And as a disclaimer I've never actually had the trinket on either of my hunters so I didn't put all that much effort into figuring out the optimal setup.
4 posts -