what is the best Frost DW dps spec? i use 15/56/0 for me I think its the best spec. I puch between 13-14k dps on DBS! I have tryed out 0/52/18 but then i lost like 2k dps on that, dont really know if that was my (rot/prio) or not. But just wanted to hear from u guys about it :)
Armory Link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... &cn=Cozcoz
Thanks For Your Time.
Frost DW spec
Frost DW spec
- Posts: 2
Re: Frost DW spec
- Posts: 357
Try to switch back to your PvE gear so people can have a better look.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Frost DW spec
- Posts: 92
Coz wrote:hey!
dont really know if that was my (rot/prio) or not
and maybe tell us some more about your "rot/prio" or provide some logs
Re: Frost DW spec
- Posts: 2
sorry about the pvp gear, have fixed it now.
my rotation is IT, PS, OB, BS, pest, dump, OB. OB. BS, pest, dump
my rotation is IT, PS, OB, BS, pest, dump, OB. OB. BS, pest, dump
5 posts -