I'm just wondering if my dps could get any better, and if so, by how much. My best is ~14.8k on rotface 25man normal. My average DPS is ~12-13k. The current gear I have is pretty much the best gear I can get until heroic modes(Guild hasnt killed LK yet). A few minor upgrades could happen in a few spots.
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-7juki7ono9kj20l3/ This is the rotface Log( With Some other fights as well i believe ).
My Rotation looks like this : ( Pre pot Haste pot [ Should this be Wild Magic for the crit bonus on corruption? ]Haste pot again during hero. ) Haunt, Corruption, UA, CoA, Spam SBs, refresh dots when need be and drain soul <25%. I Use Inferno, but its looking like im mistiming it, and not getting the full effect from the inferno. Is there any tips on when to time the inferno to get the full 1 min duration?
My Armory - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Klebsx
Thank you.
DPS Good for my gear?
DPS Good for my gear?
- Posts: 10
Re: DPS Good for my gear?
- Posts: 341
Hi klebs and sorry for forgetting to post,
Your damage seems to be alright for your gear, but I can't really tell exactly how much you could improve from the top of my head.
As for answers to your questions: Yes, you should prepot Wild Magic for the Corruption. No, you shouldn't open with Haunt-Corruption-etc, you need to land (or know someone else landed) the 5% crit debuff from Improved Shadowbolt (or scorch) before you land your Corruption. I favor doing Shadowbolt-everything else-Corruption to be on the safe side, especially when standing far from the boss.
If your gut isn't very good about telling you when to drop Inferno, addons like TimeToDie help. You'll have to bear in mind though that the addon hardly accounts for any variation in RDPS due to boss abilities, fading bloodlusts, executes and such, so you'll have to estimate that part yourself. But it'll generally give you a pretty good idea when to drop it.
Your damage seems to be alright for your gear, but I can't really tell exactly how much you could improve from the top of my head.
As for answers to your questions: Yes, you should prepot Wild Magic for the Corruption. No, you shouldn't open with Haunt-Corruption-etc, you need to land (or know someone else landed) the 5% crit debuff from Improved Shadowbolt (or scorch) before you land your Corruption. I favor doing Shadowbolt-everything else-Corruption to be on the safe side, especially when standing far from the boss.
If your gut isn't very good about telling you when to drop Inferno, addons like TimeToDie help. You'll have to bear in mind though that the addon hardly accounts for any variation in RDPS due to boss abilities, fading bloodlusts, executes and such, so you'll have to estimate that part yourself. But it'll generally give you a pretty good idea when to drop it.
Re: DPS Good for my gear?
- Posts: 13
klebs wrote:I Use Inferno, but its looking like im mistiming it, and not getting the full effect from the inferno. Is there any tips on when to time the inferno to get the full 1 min duration?
What's the tip with the infernal? isn't the felhunter the best pet atm for aff pve?
Re: DPS Good for my gear?
- Posts: 341
The tip lies in the fact that Infernal deals a lot more damage than Felhunter (especially if there are more targets because of the passive Immolation Aura), but it only lasts a minute so you have to land it mid-combat because you can't just resummon Felhunter as affliction. It's definitely worth the cast if only you can time it right: On a perfect cast your Infernal dies the same second the boss does.
If you don't believe me, just give your Felhunter 60 seconds with your local target dummy and then land Inferno and see how it goes.
If you don't believe me, just give your Felhunter 60 seconds with your local target dummy and then land Inferno and see how it goes.
5 posts -