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Cataclysm Beta, the Q&A megathread
Re: Cataclysm Beta, the Q&A megathread
- Posts: 357
ICC is a WotLK raid instance. The gear there is of no use in Cataclysm as it will be replaced during the leveling process.
If you want to know about HC gear drops in Cataclysm raid instances: There are no raid instances yet implemented, so no one knows about the drops. The HC drops will obviously be obtainable as soon as a group can do HC mode boss-kills.
The only other interpretation I can think of is when ICC heroic gear will be replaced in Cata. I can't say that but I'd assume latest at 84-85 Dungeons, normal even as it looks now.
If you want to know about HC gear drops in Cataclysm raid instances: There are no raid instances yet implemented, so no one knows about the drops. The HC drops will obviously be obtainable as soon as a group can do HC mode boss-kills.
The only other interpretation I can think of is when ICC heroic gear will be replaced in Cata. I can't say that but I'd assume latest at 84-85 Dungeons, normal even as it looks now.
Re: Cataclysm Beta, the Q&A megathread
- Posts: 92
did you try to enter the icc with all those changes in talents and such and downed a couple of bosses to see if those changes have a positive or negative effect on actual dps/performance
just curious :)
For example ensidida cleared naxx (or sartharion?) in sunwell gear, but yes, with the more dramatic changes in cata the gear will probably replaced earlier
just curious :)
Niroth wrote:ICC is a WotLK raid instance. The gear there is of no use in Cataclysm as it will be replaced during the leveling process.
For example ensidida cleared naxx (or sartharion?) in sunwell gear, but yes, with the more dramatic changes in cata the gear will probably replaced earlier
Re: Cataclysm Beta, the Q&A megathread
- Posts: 357
There was a post on MMO Champion yesterday with some gear information. A blue axe from a 5 man normal dungeon was superior to Shadowmourne. ... sts-Comics ... sts-Comics
Re: Cataclysm Beta, the Q&A megathread
- Posts: 357
Heroic Cataclysm dungeons now available for beta testing...
I assume you are doing practically nothing else right now :P *sits back and waits for information*
I assume you are doing practically nothing else right now :P *sits back and waits for information*