Hello, I am currently running unholy spec. This is my armory
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... amueljcksn
(the weapons that are showing up are just temporary. Was trying out frost spec which I am starting to like. For unholy I am using H Bryntoll and H Winding Sheet for my back, everything else is pretty much the same.)
I have been looking at different parses, and other things and I really feel I should be able to pull more dps then I am, but I cannot quite figure out what I am doing wrong. I'm next in line for shadowmourne supposedly after this warrior so I am stuck with what i have now since my guild has not attempted H LK yet. I use the priority system that I have looked at from different sites and-other then some slight lag issues with my comp every now and then-when I am in actual battle, it seems as if my dps begins to dwindle down quite a bit shortly after the start of a fight. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
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Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 7
Well I do apologize, I am new to asking for help with things such as this. I am also new to logs in terms of using them so i hope i don't post the wrong stuff. Normally I will go try to research myself and try to compare and run little tests on sims and the like. This time I thought it would be better to get some info from Dks who really know for the most part what they are doing. I looked on worldoflogs and found our guild, I will post some things from Saurfang that I hope will be helpful.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/vslq ... 941&e=4135
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/vslq ... 941&e=4135
I hope thats helpful and if not let me know what else you need. thank you for your time.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/vslq ... 941&e=4135
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/vslq ... 941&e=4135
I hope thats helpful and if not let me know what else you need. thank you for your time.
Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 7
I gem hit cause the polar claw bracers refuse to drop for me in the several times we have run icc. I am trying to be hit capped due to my understanding of hit being the most important thing in a unholy spec and the hit cap being 295 which I am 6 over I believe.
Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 7
Well normally they never put me in the same group as the 2 shammies we have so I dont recieve the draenai talent, which is why I have gemmed this way.
Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 92
jorel88 wrote:I gem hit cause the polar claw bracers refuse to drop for me in the several times we have run icc. I am trying to be hit capped due to my understanding of hit being the most important thing in a unholy spec and the hit cap being 295 which I am 6 over I believe.
Yes but the hit cap is at 263 (8%) without draenai and 232(7%) with a draenai
Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 7
I always thought based on the information I looked up before that it was 263 and so for with Draenai talent, but recently I kept seeing several forms and guides that were saying 295 (9%) was the melee hit cap which is why I changed it.I am thankful that that has been cleared up. I will change that immediately.
Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps
- Posts: 473
jorel88 wrote:Well normally they never put me in the same group as the 2 shammies we have so I dont recieve the draenai talent, which is why I have gemmed this way.
You can make other classes out of draeneis too... Kinda a waste not to, in fact, since the racial is so incredibly good.
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