I have a question regarding trinkets and more importantly trinket combinations.
I'll get my armory link out the way now. I'm over hit capped, I know, but this is in preparation of dropping my belt for Coldlinks or my neck from BQ and my previous wrists were 245s from ToTGC10 which I was only able to replace last week with Polar Bear Claws since we have only seen them drop twice since starting ICC 25 man when it was first released.
Basically I'm curious as to the trinket combinations specifically used by Mancheese (love the name btw). Currently on the armory you are using Deaths Choice and the War Token, first of all is that a conscious decision or have you have really bad luck with obtaining your ideal set of trinkets?
Secondly I'm currently going for a combination of DWB hc and Twilight scale from Halion normal. The issue that keep nagging at me though is that both of these give arp as the green stat which doesn't affect a large portion of my damage. The other thing is with the RnG nature of DBW am I better off with say Death Choice where I can guarantee my Strength proc? If so what will be the best trinket to complement that? For example if I pair Deaths Choice with the Twilight Scale both and the same internal CD and same buff duration, is that preferable to a combination of DBW and Deaths Choice/Twilight Scale which are on different internal CD lengths.
I mean I can only fit so many GDCs into a 15 second time period if both trinkets are procing at roughly the same time.
PS. I'll be getting my Shadowmourne in about 2 weeks time (15 left yey). My guess is that is one of the reasons Mancheese is still using the War Token.
Cheers for any insight.
Unholy Trinket Combinations
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Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 4
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 60
DBW + Halion's are the best trinkets out there so just go for them. ArP still has a lot of value for us especially after you get Shadowmourne. And yes sometimes you might get unlucky with DBW proccing the jewform (no offense) back to back but even then it's decent enough while completely demolishing your other choices with the right procs.
As for the reason I have the worst trinkets in EU... Iiris forced me to blow all my dkp on Glorenzelg at our first LK HC kill even though he was getting the next Shadowmourne back then but it was just a too good upgrade for me to pass. After that I kinda lost the interest to save up anymore points for trinkets since it's kinda irrelevant if I get the 8th or 10th drop.
As for the reason I have the worst trinkets in EU... Iiris forced me to blow all my dkp on Glorenzelg at our first LK HC kill even though he was getting the next Shadowmourne back then but it was just a too good upgrade for me to pass. After that I kinda lost the interest to save up anymore points for trinkets since it's kinda irrelevant if I get the 8th or 10th drop.
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 4
Cheers for the reply. I feel more confident about that combo now. I thought it could be a DKP related thing, we use Loot Council. Some people hate it, but it works well for us.
Thanks again.
BTW.....Jewproc? Win! I lol'd.
Thanks again.
BTW.....Jewproc? Win! I lol'd.
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 14
- Location: St. Petersburg
Manny wrote:...me to blow all my dkp on ...
You have a dkp system?
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 357
zYN wrote:Sadly enough, yes. I wouldn't wish that crap on my worst enemy.
I see weakness in your attendance young Padawan - http://static.paragon-wow.com/00x_200_p ... on_dkp.jpg ;)
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 405
Doesn't really matter (anymore) to me, personally. I've been available on every single progress raid and kill. I lost my chance to get Shadowmourne as I had to take my girlfriend to hospital over a year ago. It pretty much destroyed any motivation whatsoever on even trying to keep a "high" attendance and overall felt pretty damn awesome and fair. I cba even complaining anymore about the raids I've been on but I'm not marked for. I also did afterwards go out on a few trips during nothing but shitty farm raids.
Meanwhile some really horrible players were being rewarded for showing up, although never being of any use because they were just simply downright bad. Lagging behind in DPS by anywhere from 10% to 30% with superior loot, having no clue in general and dying a lot doesn't strike me as a player who deserves a reward. Not to mention the loot was wasted - using them on progress bosses usually just meant going with <25 players after the first goo/void zone/whatever and ended up getting replaced anyway. All of these have either quit or they've been thrown out - was it worth it rewarding them and potentially hinder progress?
What makes the DKP system even more useless was that we mostly opted out of using it during ICC progress, which was (obviously enough) a rather smart decision. Gearing up for overall raid DPS benefit at such times is in my opinion far superior way to go, as long as there's no huge differences between players.
DKP is a decent system in a casual come&go guild who raid occasionally, but it's completely horrible in a progress guild. It's a reward system, however the only factor is attendance and it's not flexible or sensible. That, however, in a progress guild should be a complete non-factor as everyone is expected to be in every single progress raid and never to delay a raid from starting. If there's issues with some particular player not showing up, then a closer look upon that player is warranted to figure out if he's worth keeping or not.
We've got people like Lifa, Tsukky etc not playing now but should they be punished (=not rewarded) for it somehow for a year or two to come? Hell no - what we're doing now is meaningless, aside from "keeping the guild together." As long as they're not the weakest links (which is highly doubtful), it's all good. As long as we can afford people having breaks and show up with top-notch performance. It simply makes for a better guild through happier players and far higher motivation. It makes playing seem less mandatory, much less like a "second job." Maybe it's me, but I don't see the downside here.
So who or what does a DKP system reward again with the bidding system we use? People who hug and plan out points, burn DKP from other people on meaningless upgrade so that they are decked out in BiS faster. People who don't pick up upgrades and instead let them get disenchanted because "it's not BIS" even if said items would be an upgrade in the current situation. People who make deals on specific class-only parts to get cross-class items first. I've seen stuff like that happen and I definitely don't view that as a positive thing.
Sounds good? Hells yeahs. At least there's much, much, much less shit like that going on now and the attitudes have shifted more towards "what would benefit the guild the most" instead of "how will I get decked in full BiS the fastest." I'm going to be very surprised and utterly disappointed if we stick with using DKP in Cataclysm.
End of "DKP is utter and total shit, here's why" ramble. 8]
Meanwhile some really horrible players were being rewarded for showing up, although never being of any use because they were just simply downright bad. Lagging behind in DPS by anywhere from 10% to 30% with superior loot, having no clue in general and dying a lot doesn't strike me as a player who deserves a reward. Not to mention the loot was wasted - using them on progress bosses usually just meant going with <25 players after the first goo/void zone/whatever and ended up getting replaced anyway. All of these have either quit or they've been thrown out - was it worth it rewarding them and potentially hinder progress?
What makes the DKP system even more useless was that we mostly opted out of using it during ICC progress, which was (obviously enough) a rather smart decision. Gearing up for overall raid DPS benefit at such times is in my opinion far superior way to go, as long as there's no huge differences between players.
DKP is a decent system in a casual come&go guild who raid occasionally, but it's completely horrible in a progress guild. It's a reward system, however the only factor is attendance and it's not flexible or sensible. That, however, in a progress guild should be a complete non-factor as everyone is expected to be in every single progress raid and never to delay a raid from starting. If there's issues with some particular player not showing up, then a closer look upon that player is warranted to figure out if he's worth keeping or not.
We've got people like Lifa, Tsukky etc not playing now but should they be punished (=not rewarded) for it somehow for a year or two to come? Hell no - what we're doing now is meaningless, aside from "keeping the guild together." As long as they're not the weakest links (which is highly doubtful), it's all good. As long as we can afford people having breaks and show up with top-notch performance. It simply makes for a better guild through happier players and far higher motivation. It makes playing seem less mandatory, much less like a "second job." Maybe it's me, but I don't see the downside here.
So who or what does a DKP system reward again with the bidding system we use? People who hug and plan out points, burn DKP from other people on meaningless upgrade so that they are decked out in BiS faster. People who don't pick up upgrades and instead let them get disenchanted because "it's not BIS" even if said items would be an upgrade in the current situation. People who make deals on specific class-only parts to get cross-class items first. I've seen stuff like that happen and I definitely don't view that as a positive thing.
Sounds good? Hells yeahs. At least there's much, much, much less shit like that going on now and the attitudes have shifted more towards "what would benefit the guild the most" instead of "how will I get decked in full BiS the fastest." I'm going to be very surprised and utterly disappointed if we stick with using DKP in Cataclysm.
End of "DKP is utter and total shit, here's why" ramble. 8]
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 4
A little off my original topic but as a reply to zYN.
Loot Council. Seriously.
I'm feeling stressed just reading your DKP rant.
Loot Council. Seriously.
I'm feeling stressed just reading your DKP rant.
Re: Unholy Trinket Combinations
- Posts: 5
while we are on this off-topic, what loot system would you want if you were to choose yourself?
My guild currently uses EPGP. This usually boils down to attendance divided by the gear point (which is assigned by an addon).
It seems to work ok (sort of), but we definitely had issues with it. And it seems to have similar problems with the DKP problems which you stated above.
I considered loot council as another option but i know that there is no "perfect" loot systems as someone will always have some sort of problem with it.
My guild currently uses EPGP. This usually boils down to attendance divided by the gear point (which is assigned by an addon).
It seems to work ok (sort of), but we definitely had issues with it. And it seems to have similar problems with the DKP problems which you stated above.
I considered loot council as another option but i know that there is no "perfect" loot systems as someone will always have some sort of problem with it.
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