Tank UI discussion
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 27
Hi Lazeil. I noticed your eventhorizon in the LK 25 HC tank pov vid.
In the eventhorizon I noticed you changed the color of your judgement to "pink".
Can I ask if you do that in the config log ? Or ? And how if you are that helpfull :P
Playing a little around with eventhorizon myself, alltho for a druid.
Regards Foxor. Bear tank of Unspoken.
In the eventhorizon I noticed you changed the color of your judgement to "pink".
Can I ask if you do that in the config log ? Or ? And how if you are that helpfull :P
Playing a little around with eventhorizon myself, alltho for a druid.
Regards Foxor. Bear tank of Unspoken.
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 1
hi, i have a question to lazeil
what addon/macro is the "plaguetracker debug" in the lichking hc vid?
what addon/macro is the "plaguetracker debug" in the lichking hc vid?
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 2
Hi Lazeil. I would like to ask u some questions. I use the ShadowedUF and it could show target's buff and debuff correctly in 5man and outside the raid, but when I zone in the raid , it doesnt show up anymore. Could u help me a lot.. Thx so much.
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 5
Hi there, this is my first post on your forums. I must say the comprehensive feedback is really nice to see. You obviously haven't let your status go to your heads!
On to the topic. I was surprised to see how cluttered your UIs are. Im a prot paly (until next week when im going DK tank permanently) and i try and have as little showing on my screen as possible for vision. Why is it that you have so much of your screen taken up? To be honest it makes me wonder if im missing some essential addons!
My ui is the 'LUI' which is generic and light, but suits me down to the ground. Yes it's pink, but that's because it is class colour coordinated.
On to the topic. I was surprised to see how cluttered your UIs are. Im a prot paly (until next week when im going DK tank permanently) and i try and have as little showing on my screen as possible for vision. Why is it that you have so much of your screen taken up? To be honest it makes me wonder if im missing some essential addons!
My ui is the 'LUI' which is generic and light, but suits me down to the ground. Yes it's pink, but that's because it is class colour coordinated.
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 357
Eeek what a color. That would kill me in seconds ;) But I'd say if you raid on that high competitive level you rather have a big bar telling you when to watch what boss ability then a nicely shaped and designed one somewhere on the screen edges. Guess it is all function of design.
And from my experience Finnish people like to customize the shit out of things
And from my experience Finnish people like to customize the shit out of things
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 57
- Location: England
Since im always changing UIs, I wanted something i could use for both DPS and tank, TuK UI began to annoy me so here is something of my own creation again.
http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/503/ ... 163820.jpg
(Ps Focus Target cast bar is fixed)
Addons list -
AZ Castbar
Shadowed Unit frames
Santrina's Buff Frames
Dues VoX Boss mod. (DXE)
Sexy map may also be added if you desire. The UI works so you can play near any spec, since this works well for prot/dps warrior and ret/holy paladin, as well as hunter. If i find something it doesnt like il update ^^.
http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/503/ ... 163820.jpg
(Ps Focus Target cast bar is fixed)
Addons list -
AZ Castbar
Shadowed Unit frames
Santrina's Buff Frames
Dues VoX Boss mod. (DXE)
Sexy map may also be added if you desire. The UI works so you can play near any spec, since this works well for prot/dps warrior and ret/holy paladin, as well as hunter. If i find something it doesnt like il update ^^.
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 1
Hello! I'm here to request Verdisha's tanking ui screenshot and (if willing) a list of the addons in it since I'm not always able to pick out addons just by looking at them.
Thank you so much in advance!
Thank you so much in advance!
Re: Tank UI discussion
- Posts: 2
Sorry for presenting a demanding first post, but I was wondering if Lazeil could post an update on his UI. There's never any tank PoV on the Paragon youtube any more, and there's not many people around who are as good at making UIs.