Is there ever too much haste for an affliction warlock? My lock currently has about 1300 haste i believe. I know that the quick decay glyph wants as much haste as it can get, but is there a point where you just don't want haste that much anymore?
Here is a link to my armory - ... &cn=Klebsx .
1293 haste without Spellstone, 1353 with. Just want some feedback about haste for aff locks in which haste isn't the most favored stat. (Please Also give me constructive criticism about gear, spec, gems, enchants.) My average DPS with my gear is about 12-13k. If thats too low for my gear level please tell me ways to improve, open to all and any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
Haste as a Aff Warlock
Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 10
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 341
As affliction you'll do about 70% of your single-target DPS with Shadow Bolt, Drain Soul and Corruption, last two of which cannot be 'capped' by haste in any amounts. Shadow Bolt would only suffer from a high amount of haste when it would be cast in less than a second, which won't happen with the amount of haste you've got. Granted, you might find your Unstable Affliction and Haunt cast "too fast" under haste auras, but that is a minor drawback in contrast with how haste benefits your other spells. With Amplify Curse specced, your Curse of Agony is capped by a default.
Your gear seems fine, apart from the fact that you gemmed 12spi + 10sp in blue sockets with only 5sp bonus, which is slighly worse for Affliction than just gemming 23sp into those slots. However for Demo, which you seem to play as an offspec, the way you gemmed is slightly superior so I guess the choice ought to fall down to which spec you or your guild give a higher priority to. Also, with your gear Dark Pact should be superior to (Improved) Life Tap.
Your gear seems fine, apart from the fact that you gemmed 12spi + 10sp in blue sockets with only 5sp bonus, which is slighly worse for Affliction than just gemming 23sp into those slots. However for Demo, which you seem to play as an offspec, the way you gemmed is slightly superior so I guess the choice ought to fall down to which spec you or your guild give a higher priority to. Also, with your gear Dark Pact should be superior to (Improved) Life Tap.
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 13
Hello guyz!
I recently returned to my love (that being my warlock) and i need advice from the pros :D. I'm posting in this thread coz my problem is about haste.
1st of all im playing as affliction in raids and i rly enjoy it but the problem is that i have low haste(been unlucky with the drops). My sp is 3200+ ub and i know that on ej forum is recommended that u have to stack sp to 3300 then go gemming some haste also, but since corruption is the 2nd best dps ability and its affected by haste (glyphed) wouldnt it be better for me to gem/enchant my gear with a bit more haste till i get more haste gear to reach 1200+? All discussions were from wlocks with high amounts of haste coming from i could not find anywhere something for the lower geared ones.
Currently im buffing my corruption with gloves eng enchant, haste pot and proc from black i go somewehere around 2k haste before i cast corruption and i feel its doing a rly good job, not to speak i get way more nightfall and eradication procs.
my profile is:
PS: Know BM enchant is inferiour to 63 sp and ignore some of my gemming
...and sorry for my low english skillz :D
I recently returned to my love (that being my warlock) and i need advice from the pros :D. I'm posting in this thread coz my problem is about haste.
1st of all im playing as affliction in raids and i rly enjoy it but the problem is that i have low haste(been unlucky with the drops). My sp is 3200+ ub and i know that on ej forum is recommended that u have to stack sp to 3300 then go gemming some haste also, but since corruption is the 2nd best dps ability and its affected by haste (glyphed) wouldnt it be better for me to gem/enchant my gear with a bit more haste till i get more haste gear to reach 1200+? All discussions were from wlocks with high amounts of haste coming from i could not find anywhere something for the lower geared ones.
Currently im buffing my corruption with gloves eng enchant, haste pot and proc from black i go somewehere around 2k haste before i cast corruption and i feel its doing a rly good job, not to speak i get way more nightfall and eradication procs.
my profile is:
PS: Know BM enchant is inferiour to 63 sp and ignore some of my gemming
...and sorry for my low english skillz :D
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 341
First of all, you seem to know about how certain buffs/debuffs roll with your Corruption and seem to be using NMIC too, which is good. However your information seems to be slightly outdated, because haste only rolled through Everlasting Affliction when 3.3 was released but that was fixed in 1 day. That means you can wait for as many haste procs as you want but after they wear out the next time you land a Haunt or SB your Corruption resets to it's normal duration. Only crit and some %-based damage modifiers don't get updated nowadays.
Secondly, I haven't been keeping up to date with EJ in months, but I rather doubt gemming haste other than the usual Reckless Ametrines in yellow sockets is a good idea, unless you can link me to a well-reasoned post that claims the opposite. Never when I've theorycrafted my warlock have I ended up with results saying haste is more valuable than SP. I don't know why people are so concerned about their haste nowadays, there's absolutely no minimum haste needed to play Affliction nor is there an attainable maximum. Also 3300 is just a non-magical number someone probably pulled off his hat, and is not more desirable than 3298 or 3376 or 45612463521. Just go with what you have, you'll get more of everything when you get more gear.
Secondly, I haven't been keeping up to date with EJ in months, but I rather doubt gemming haste other than the usual Reckless Ametrines in yellow sockets is a good idea, unless you can link me to a well-reasoned post that claims the opposite. Never when I've theorycrafted my warlock have I ended up with results saying haste is more valuable than SP. I don't know why people are so concerned about their haste nowadays, there's absolutely no minimum haste needed to play Affliction nor is there an attainable maximum. Also 3300 is just a non-magical number someone probably pulled off his hat, and is not more desirable than 3298 or 3376 or 45612463521. Just go with what you have, you'll get more of everything when you get more gear.
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 13
Hermanni wrote:You can wait for as many haste procs as you want but after they wear out the next time you land a Haunt or SB your Corruption resets to it's normal duration. Only crit and some %-based damage modifiers don't get updated nowadays.
That i didnt know idd...seems there is alot of missleading info on the internet then.
But how does corruption gain the haste from procs...needs to be applyed again when i get the haste proc? or it gets the haste buff while ticking?
Hermanni wrote:Secondly, I haven't been keeping up to date with EJ in months, but I rather doubt gemming haste other than the usual Reckless Ametrines in yellow sockets is a good idea, unless you can link me to a well-reasoned post that claims the opposite.
Never crossed my mind to gem pure haste, TBC times are over when we were sb machines :D...i was thinking about the Reckless Ametrine instead of Runed Cardinal i read that somewhere arout that magical number of 3300 sp both gems have approx same dps value...thats why i asked if its fine to gem with Reckless Ametrine in red socket.
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 341
The haste and SP for your Corruption are updated every time you land a Haunt or Shadow Bolt (assuming 5/5 Everlasting Affliction). This applies to both the actual values (as shown in your character sheet) to %-based modifiers, and there is no need to recast Corruption for them.
It's the crit rating and most modifiers for crit and spell damage that don't get updated through EA (however one major exception to this is Shadow Embrace.) This includes crit rating from NMIC and Potion of Wild Magic, Devious Minds (4xt10 proc), Death's Embrace, 5% crit debuff (Improved Shadow Bolt or equivalent), Tricks of the Trade and such.
On encounters that make it possible for you to keep your Corruption up, it's possible to get 25% extra crit to it just by popping a Potion of Wild Magic and using NMIC before you cast Corruption. You could get another 25% in damage from Devious Minds and TotT, but that's where your life is going to get harder as Devious Minds requires RNG paired with non-optimal opening sequence (or a wasted global and possible issues with overwriting your old Corruption) and TotT requires some serious negotiation with your rogue friends. Not to mention that timing these two together would be even harder :)
I linked this to the other recent thread, it should tell you most there is about the subject. If you need some practical advice, feel free to ask.
Also, keep in mind that the theoretical value for haste is a bit higher than the practical value due to latency. What this means is that even if theoretically SP and haste held the same DPS value to you, SP would be the safer bet :)
It's the crit rating and most modifiers for crit and spell damage that don't get updated through EA (however one major exception to this is Shadow Embrace.) This includes crit rating from NMIC and Potion of Wild Magic, Devious Minds (4xt10 proc), Death's Embrace, 5% crit debuff (Improved Shadow Bolt or equivalent), Tricks of the Trade and such.
On encounters that make it possible for you to keep your Corruption up, it's possible to get 25% extra crit to it just by popping a Potion of Wild Magic and using NMIC before you cast Corruption. You could get another 25% in damage from Devious Minds and TotT, but that's where your life is going to get harder as Devious Minds requires RNG paired with non-optimal opening sequence (or a wasted global and possible issues with overwriting your old Corruption) and TotT requires some serious negotiation with your rogue friends. Not to mention that timing these two together would be even harder :)
I linked this to the other recent thread, it should tell you most there is about the subject. If you need some practical advice, feel free to ask.
Also, keep in mind that the theoretical value for haste is a bit higher than the practical value due to latency. What this means is that even if theoretically SP and haste held the same DPS value to you, SP would be the safer bet :)
Re: Haste as a Aff Warlock
- Posts: 13
Thank you for your time!
Your explanations rly helpend me alot by clearing out this stuff!
Now it all makes sense :)
Your explanations rly helpend me alot by clearing out this stuff!
Now it all makes sense :)
8 posts -